WE HAVE AN UPDATE ON OREO FROM HIS WONDERFUL FOSTERER. JAN IS DOING A MARVELOUS JOB. The latest news on OREO Oreo is doing very well. He is now more relaxed, enough so to be able to pee and poo when he needs to, rather than once a day in the middle of the night. He has also started doing it in the room, rather than in his bed so thats an improvement. (looking forward to him doing it outside!) He will now sniff, lick and gently nibble my fingers. Always VERY gentle when taking treats. Now down from 6 pieces to 1/4 pieces of liver cake from fingers and now the palm of my hand as he has gradually learnt it was safe to come closer. He has gently wagged directly at me several times and no longer panics when I move from the bed, or have to clean out his chosen corner. On Wednesday for the first time he played!!! Tossing newspaper about and having a mini scat about whilst looking at me cheekily. He looks so much happier and more relaxed in himself. I had tried giving him toys, but he thinks they are to eat, so had to remove them again. I guess life on the run & starving meant absolutely anything was potentially food. He will still regularly dash back to the safety of his corner if he imagines danger or hears a noise , but comes out again much quicker now. I have been leaving the bedroom door open during quiet periods and he has come to the door several times for a quick look, before scuttling back to his safety zone. Yesterday I was able to tickle his chin whilst he was taking liver cake treats from the palm of my hand. At first he backed off a bit, but came back quickly and didnt seem to mind it too much after that. He regularly witnesses the other dogs being fussed, so hopefully is putting 2 and 2 together. We will continue to build on that contact and hope to get him more comfortable with being touched as a next step. He is working so hard to try and trust and is showing himself to be a real character. Jan
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 19:40:58 +0000

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