WE HAVE OFTEN HEARD IT SAID.....THINK BIG!.........THAT MAY SEEM TO BE A MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE TO ACHIEVE GREATNESS BUT MANY PEOPLE NEVER ACHIEVE THEIR BIG DREAMS........OFTEN TIMES THEY FAIL TO SEE OR SIMPLY OVERLOOK THE SMALL THINGS IN LIFE, INCLUDING WHAT SOME MAY CONSIDER THE SMALL OR LITTLE PEOPLE, WHICH ARE NOT SMALL OR LITTLE AT ALL, BUT RATHER THEY ARE OFTEN TIMES THE GREATEST ASSET IN ACHIEVING THOSE BIG THINGS.. “If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.” ― Colin Powell AN EXCERPT FROM A SERMON DELIVERED BY C.H. SPURGEON..... DELIVERED BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON, ON LORD’S-DAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1883. “For who has despised the day of small things?” Zechariah 4:10. IT is a very great folly to despise “the day of small things,” for it is usually God’s way to begin His great works with small things. We see it every day, for the first dawn of light is but feeble and yet, by-and-by, it grows into the full noon- tide heat and glory. We know how the early spring comes with its buds of promise, but it takes some time before we get to the beauties of summer or the wealth of autumn. How tiny is the seed that is sown in the garden, yet out of it there comes the lovely flower! How small is the acorn, but how great is the oak that grows up from it! The stream commences with but a gentle rivulet, but it flows on till it becomes a brook, and then a river—perhaps a mighty Amazon—before its course is run! God begins with men in “the day of small things”—He began so with us. How little and how feeble were we when first we came upon the scene of action! He that is now a giant was once so feeble that he could not move from place to place except as he was carried in his mother’s arms. Let us, then, not despise “the day of small things,” as we see that God begins with little things in Nature and among the sons and daughters of men. And I am sure that He does so in the great work of His Church. Long ago He began to build a spiritual temple for His own habitation, but, at first, the stones of the foundation were hidden from the great mass of mankind. How little was known in the world at large concerning Abra- ham and his seed! How very, very slowly did the walls of that great temple rise! Even in the time of Zechariah, it was still “the day of small things” with the people of the Lord.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 11:50:50 +0000

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