WE HAVE ONLY ONE GOD, ONE KING, AND ONE PERFECT MASTER: * Henceforth I am going to watch you closely to see if you call anyone GOD. Because nowadays, you are given food to eat and you will eat to your satisfaction and pronounce the person who gave you food as god. Many of you have as many as three different gods. Act 15:19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God: Act 15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood. WE HAVE ONLY ONE GOD, ONE KING, AND ONE PERFECT MASTER: We are now heading towards the end of our journey. IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD TWO? IS GOD TWO? ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD TWO? GOD IS AN INDIVISIBLE WHOLE. If you were the one addressed as Good Master would you not puff up by raising your shoulders high? Christ queried the young man, “Why callest thou me good? None is good, save one that is God. Henceforth I am going to watch you closely to see if you call anyone GOD. Because nowadays, you are given food to eat and you will eat to your satisfaction and pronounce the person who gave you food as God. Many of you have as many as three different Gods. You even refer to someone who gives you a car as God. We are very pitiful. How many Gods do we have in the entire world? WE HAVE ONLY ONE GOD. THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Are things now clear to you? Will you no longer call a man God, or refer to a tree as God? You erroneously refer to someone who is intelligent or powerful, as God. If someone is intelligent or powerful FROM WHERE DOES HE ACQUIRE HIS INTELLIGENCE OR POWER? ARE ALL THESE GIFTS AND VIRTUES NOT FROM GOD ALONE? THE REAL NAME OF GOD IS GOOD BUT HE USES GOD TO CONFUSE THE WORLD. (LUKE 18:18-19). Many necromancers, herbalists, native doctors have many gods as well as different names for them. For example, Aristo-Krishna have their own gods whom they feed, cloth, and render other services to. THE TRUE NAME OF GOD WHICH IS GOOD, WHICH SIGNIFIES PERFECTION AND NO IMPERFECTION SHALL ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD. (LUKE 18:18-19). WHEN YOU COMPARE A WORLDLY PERSON WITH GOD, IS YOUR HEAD CORRECT? BY SUCH COMPARISON, YOU ARE INSULTING GOD. I am telling this so that you do not hope that your money or academic knowledge shall guarantee you success into the kingdom of God. Your worldly possessions, the children you have will not guarantee you entry. The only criteria for entry into Gods kingdom is perfection. The way and manner you relate with one another, your humility, IF YOU DO NOT CHEAT OTHERS, TELL LIES, IF YOU DO NOT CHALLENGE GOD NOR EQUATE YOURSELF WITH GOD, THEN YOU ARE SAVED. Other considerations cannot lead you into the kingdom of God. If you observed critically you would notice that so many people out of ignorance think that they are superior to God, wealthier than God, more generous than God, and they finally conclude by saying, “What is it that God does that they themselves cannot do? SUCH IMPOSTORS HAVE NO SHARE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD. But whoever is born of the HOLY SPIRIT knows that everything in heaven and on earth belongs to God. THEY ALSO KNOW THAT GOD IS EVERYTHING AND HE ABIDES IN EVERYTHING. SUCH A PERSON DOES NOT ARROGATE TO HIMSELF, THE STATUS OF GOD, NEITHER DOES HE EQUATE HIMSELF WITH GOD. HE DOES NOT BOAST OR INSULT GOD, BUT HE SUBMITS HIMSELF TOTALLY BEFORE GOD. AN ILLUSTRATION: I have given you this story several times about a certain man, (master) who bought and owned a slave as his domestic servant. He decided to set him free by giving him the liberty to operate on his own. This servant suddenly became rich and he also acquired and possessed a lot of slaves, both males and females, cattle, landed properties, among many other possession. With the acquisition of the great wealth, the man became arrogant, pompous, and full of pride. People who witnessed his sudden transformation from the state of a slave boy to the status of a multimillionaire started to boast that this man (the slave) was richer than his master. This rumor started spreading like wild fire in the whole city till the slaves master heard about this. But he was able to comport himself with dignity, without minding what his slave and the general public said about him. This servant did not do anything to save the situation when he went about boasting to those who came to listen to him that he was a slave but now he was richer than his master. When his master could not bear the insult any longer, one day he summoned the whole community together and asked his slave to take stock of his wealth, before the people. The servant did this by counting all his assets and liabilities one after the other. The crowd which had gathered to witness the occasion gave him a standing ovation. As he continued counting his possessions he was interrupted intermittently with cheers and applause from the crowd, until finally he finally finished his counting. His master then stood up and without going too far concluded that all the wealth of his slave, as already counted, plus the slave himself, belonged to him, the master. With that he summed up his counting. After this, the servant slumped to the ground, while the cheering crowd became silent, for they were all stunned. This is the same situation in which we find ourselves. Whoever claims that he is God tell him to count his wealth and to substantiate why he says he is God. Have you ever heard that any man is God in this whole world? When you claim that Olumba Olumba Obu is God I look at you with dismay. This is because your head is not correct. Is that what I teach you? You further ask why does Olumba bow down and knock His forehead on the ground? The answer is why should I not bow down? Am I God? We all bow down and worship the same one God. My focus is on Him because a good child takes after his Father. Have you not seen how Our Lord Jesus Christ resembles God? Through His behavior people know that He is from God. For if you love one another as I have loved you, the whole world will know that you are the children of God. This is the only way you can be called a child of God. Brethren, at the end of every preaching Our Lord Jesus Christ often concluded by saying that, he who has ears to hear let him hear. I have reached a point and now I am saying the same thing. That is, he who has ears to hear, let him hear. And may God bless His Holy Words. Amen. THANK YOU HOLY FATHER. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR EXCERPT FROM: PERFECT MASTER
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 19:59:21 +0000

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