WE HAVE ONLY SENT 158,000 LETTERS TO CONGRESS DEMANDING THE ABOLISHMENT OF THE IRS? What do we have to do to get more people to sign and share this petition? Dear Patriot, The writing is on the wall! It is clear to see that our wanna be KING/DICTATOR is playing us. Obama is doing what he always does. Preying upon the emotions of people in hopes that they will forget and forgive him for his tyranny. He did it with Sandy Hook. He did it with Super Storm Sandy. He did it with the Aurora shootings. He did the same thing with Trayvon Martin. Distraction. Smokescreen. Typical. Obama is leading attempting to lead our focus and attention away from all of his FAILURES. The number of outlandish defenses that the IRS has put up to cover up its tyranny and negligence has been astonishing. We could list them here, but we do not want the email to be 1000 pages long. Do not think that for a moment that our fearless leader has not granted the IRS the power to torture conservative groups! If he did not do so directly, then he did so most definitely by the environment of hate towards conservatives that he has created. We will not stand for this and we cannot let them get away with such tyranny! Do you see now why we are not only suing the IRS, but also calling for its abolishment? This madness must end! Our lawsuit against the IRS is a huge undertaking. Not only will it take considerable time and resources, it will also very likely put us under even further scrutiny by this corrupt, abusive Obama Regime. But, the decision was an easy one. Our Founding Fathers gave up everything in the pursuit of freedom. Many lost their lives. Others lost their fortunes. But, they recognized that if a people are to be free, they must be willing to fight for it. We are willing to fight for the freedom of the American people both today and for future generations. Will you join us and help us win this fight? Whether you can donate to this cause or not,at the very least, put your name on this petition.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 16:51:52 +0000

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