WE HAVE SO MUCH HAPPENING AT ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE CHURCH DURING LENT! PLEASE PARTAKE AND SPREAD THE WORD ELECTRONICALLY OR BY WORD OF MOUTH. AND PLEASE REMEMBER---- ALL ARE WELCOME HERE!! Prayer: Deepening Our Relationship with God Tuesdays March 25, April 1, and April 8 at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center Are you looking for a more personal and positive way to make your Lenten practices change your life? If so, please join us for three successive Tuesday evenings to learn and practice methods of deepening your relationship with God and experiencing the love that is yours already. Forget about sin. Forget about how flawed you think you are. Let God worry about that. All you need is to desire to know God more. So let your curiosity get the better of you. But be warned: We will not be responsible for inevitable transformations. Were just the messengers. Join us in a supportive and welcoming environment on any or all Tuesdays: March 25: Deepening Our Relationship with God through Lectio Divina; April 1: Deepening Our Relation-ship with God through Practice of the Presence of God; April 8: Deepening Our Relationship with God through Ignatian Meditation Contemplating the Passion of Jesus Christ Father Moran will lead a three part series on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew. Each evening we meet we will study a particular part of the Passion account from both an historical and literary viewpoint. In addition to this we will look at how this part of the Passion has been portrayed in art and in music. Two meetings remain on March 21st and 31st from 7:15 to 8:30 PM in the parish center. All are welcome. Bring your copy of the scriptures with you. Sacrament of Reconciliation and Adoration During Lent Take a moment to reconcile yourself with God and take some time for quiet reflection and Adoration during lent. From 6 to 7 PM on Monday evenings Bishop Peter Rosazza and Fr. Edward Moran will be offering the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Reconciliation and Adoration will be offered in the upper church. Spiritual Direction My name is Celeste Calabotta and I am currently nearing the end of my first year in the Fairfield University Spiritual Direction Formation Program. As part of this program, I am seeking people who would be interested in receiving Spiritual Direction, that is, someone to walk with them and guide them in their spiritual journey. I am under strict guidelines and supervision during this time and there is no charge for these sessions. For more information, please call (860) 523-4411 or email at [email protected]. Lenten Fish Dinner All are invited to a fish dinner on Friday, March 28th at 6 PM in the Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish Center prior to the Stations of the Cross. Baked fish, rice pilaf, salad, and brownies. Fish sticks for children. Soft drinks & coffee included - BYOB. Take-out dinners available. Advance tickets: $12 each, children under 8 free, $35 family max. At the door: $15 each, children under 8 free, $45 family max. Hosted by Knights of Columbus Council 3600. To purchase tickets contact Kevin Duprey 860-690-5406 or [email protected]. Stations of the Cross The Town-Wide Stations of the Cross will be held this week, Friday, March 28th, at Saint Thomas the Apostle at 7:00 p.m. Please note the following changes to the schedule for Stations of the Cross: March 28 Childrens Rosary with support from the Music Ministry; April 4 Knights of Columbus; April 11 Social Action Divine Mercy There will be a Divine Mercy Holy Hour on March 30 in the Chapel after the 10:30 a.m. Mass. All are welcome! Coffee Hour Join your parish family for coffee and conversation immediately following the 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday. Coffee hour is being hosted by the Knights of Columbus during the month of March.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 17:25:22 +0000

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