WE HAVE THE POSSIBILITIES OF A PROSPEROUS YEAR BEFORE US - LET US MAKE THE MOST OF IT We are living today in an age of great and wonderful progress. We must adapt our lives and our lodge affairs to the new standard of present-day life. Today people expect to be entertained wherever they go and entertainment is as necessary in the lodge-room as elsewhere. A lodge does not prosper that conducts its affairs precisely as it did years ago. The only way we can have a revival in Odd Fellowship is to make and keep our lodge meetings interesting to all those who attend. That is the basic principle of any successful, social organization. Having uninteresting meetings and but a few will attend except those who are required to be present. Have interesting meetings and a good attendance will result. How to make our lodge meetings interesting is a problem that any really interested and determined staff of officers can easily solve. The Noble Grand should be expected to be a real leader and with the earnest and sincere cooperation of his associate officers, the possibilities and the opportunities for a successful administration are excellent. When a member proposes his friend for membership in his lodge he is anxious to have that friend say, after the degrees have been conferred, that he is well pleased and satisfied with conditions as he finds them in the lodge. It is our duty to the newly admitted candidate to make him a satisfied, interested and worth-while member. We fail lamentably in our duty to him if the prevailing conditions in the lodge are such that he does not become interested in lodge affairs and does not attend the meetings. The article above was written by George H. Fuller (Grand Secretary of Massachusetts) and William Brooks (Grand Secretary of Ontario Province) in 1935! It is taken from a publication entitled "Go Thou and Do Likewise."
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 02:17:38 +0000

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