WE HAVE TO HAVE OUR FINAL PAYMENT IN FOR OUR AIRFAIRE TO ISRAEL IN 20 DAYS - I BELIEVE AND PRAISE YOU FATHER FOR THE PROVISION THAT YOU ARE RELEASING EVEN NOW!!! GLORY TO GOD!!! Thank you to all who have donated so far, we still need your help!!! God is Accelerating things NOW - the time is short and He will be moving quickly! How many of you know that God will, in many cases, ask you to do something that you cannot do in your own power? This is so we have to have Faith and Truly Believe and Trust in Him, for what HE SAID He will do. This is also for others to have an opportunity to share in what He is doing. Then, HE gets all the Glory and IN Believing Him and having that Faith IN Him ~ THAT ~ is counted unto us as True Righteousness. This is the season where I believe God wants to truly blow our minds and show us His Goodness and Provision - not just for this Ministry but for all of those who will obey Him with their finances. Are you wanting God to bless your finances? God blesses our finances when we are obedient to Him with them. Will you please prayerfully consider partnering with us financially - again, I know the Lord will provide for us - the question is, will you take this opportunity that is being given? DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS OPPORTUNITY FOR GREAT BLESSING TO FLOOD YOUR LIFE!!!! As many of you know, we are doing weekly outreaches in the inner city of St Paul in the Frogtown neighborhood. We are getting so much feedback about how peoples lives are being changed for the good and for eternity! Glory to God! God has told us to make ourselves available every Friday throughout the summer to pour into people’s lives and love them where they are at not expecting anything back in return. We feed all who come with a hot meal. No one is turned away! This is where you can help SHARE IN what this Ministry is doing for the Lord... There is however a bigger picture that is taking place in Israel. God has called a solemn assembly, A Prayer Summit, this September 2-9, 2014 in the land of Israel. As many of you may know who has been following the news lately, Hamas has been firing rockets daily into Israel. God has called us to join with other Apostle and Prophets this September 2-9, 2014 to do something about it. We are going over for a prayer summit to declare and to decree things in the land of Israel. There is something about being in the land itself when this is done. The atmosphere gets charged with the glory of God. We have put everything we have ~ in every area ~ into what God has called us to In Him and into this Vision. Will you consider being a monthly supporter to help us continue on in the work of the Ministry? We are down to where it is crucial to pay for the airfare and for the land travel in Israel with accommodation. We have 20 days left to pay off the airfare to Israel and another two week to pay for the rest. We still need money for round trip ticket from Minneapolis to New York which will cost $750 and round trip ticket from New York to Tel Aviv Israel which the remain balance is still $1,956. Than the cost for travel and accommodation in Israel we still need close to $4000 plus any other travel expenses. We know God will supply what is needed, BUT we also believe that He is giving many of you the opportunity to help out and also receive Acceleration and Multiplication on the seeds you sow into the good ground of this ministry... God said that Acceleration and Multiplication is going with the seeds sown Now, in this Season and Harvest is coming quickly! THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to sow into something that HE is doing in His Kingdom - He gives seed to the sower and YOU CAN NOT REAP WHAT YOU DIDNT SOW... Thank You so much to all who have given to this cause so far - you are so appreciated! Glory to God! No love gift is too big or too small. Please consider signing up for the easy ongoing pay plan and becoming a monthly supporter - you may do this by clicking on the check box that says, Make This Recurring (Monthly) to the right of the donation amount... It would help us greatly to have some $30, $60, $100 or even more - monthly supporters came forward to stand with us in what God has called us to do - we all need each other! To give a Love gift and or become a monthly supporter and share with us in what the Lord is doing in the lives of others through this ministry, please go to the secured link below... lightbearerministries.org/give/give-israel-2014/ Thank you for your Obedience and may God bless you abundantly! Norman and Sherri Pool lightbearerministries.org
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 22:36:10 +0000

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