WE MUST BE FORCEFULLY MORE RUDE,AND ARROGANT, AS ISLAM. THE BRITISH LAW SOCIETY HAS JUST BANNED ISLAMIC SHARIA LAW IN GREAT BRITAIN ITS COLONIES & PROTECTORATES THE ISLAMIC AGENDA REGARDING SHARIA, IS NOW FULLY REVOKED FROM BRITISH LAW THE OLD AND THE VERY YOUNG THEY DO NOT CARE THESE ISLAMIST FUNDAMENTALIST MURDERING BASTARDS KILL ALL THAT ARE INFIDEL Give her majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second full ultimate powers back over any veto of Parliament disband and dissolve Parliament Give her Majesty full control of the armed forces and the whole country will rally to her side, to expel Islam completely, start with closing down all Mosques and so called Islamic schools Demolish them all every single one of them if the only thing these people understand is radical give them the full extent of British radicalism immediately NOW. START NOW Drafting as many Gurkha Brigades into the British Armed Forces from Nepal, Then draft them into the Metropolitan Police Force If these Mongrel Bastards want Sharia and Fascism we should give it to them British style after that any surviving their arrest, THEY MUST BE TAKEN. Placed in internment & deported. They will be, if they or anyone are found rioting with blatant disregard for others in-sighting hatred and or forced conversion to Islam will be placed in an internment camp, This also includes those mosques that spread hatred these are to be demolished and those attending this mosque whole families included then when they decide which Islamic country they want deporting to they must sell all their assets and repay any benefits or Taxes that are owing to the British public or the government, these things are a debt that is incurred from all tax paying public and will be deemed repayable in full at once, after that is paid they will be deported,Damn these arrogant inbred ungreatful islamic Bastards.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:59:54 +0000

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