WE MUST BE FREE GOODLUCK JONATHAN:TO YOU, THE UNITY OF NIGERIA IS NOT NEGOTIABLE, BUT TO THE OWNERS OF THE SOVEREIGNTY STOLEN BY THE BRITISH AND GIVEN TO NIGERIA ,THE UNITY IS NOT ONLY NEGOTIABLE,IT WOULD BE RAISED UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW AND LEGAL INSTRUMENTS IF OUR DEMAND ARE NOT MEET AT YOUR PRIVATE TALK SHOP CALLED NATIONAL CONFERENCE: With all the nonsense called the modalities for the national conference rolled out yesterday by the Nigerian federal government and his draconian decree that the unity of Nigeria is a no go area,these set of political criminals in Nigeria is about to test the resolve of the oppressed Ethnic nationalities and peoples trapped within this satanic expired Nigerian amalgam on what we would do,if they denial the various million interests groups that have continue to express their determination to exist within their own sovereign geography. This is should be one of our strategies to counter the unity decree by force by fire of the ruling class elites both in government and those in the opposition,whenever the conference arrived at fundamental issues during discussion and debates and the session is becoming so tense and violent,the various regions and Ethnic nationalities that desire maximum self-determination can at the floor of the conference invoke the international instruments for self-determination and independence which would reduce the no go area of the criminal federal government to nothing. Since Nigeria is a signatories to international treaties and conventions both at the global and continental level,The Nigerian federal government would possess no moral rights to keep those who desires to be free under the expired criminal,exploitative and dehumanizing sovereign banner again. For those Ethnic nationalities that want Independence from Nigeria,This jonathan jamboree called the national conference,irrespective of their voodoo no go area,we must deploy international right of indigenous people to arrive at a point of telling the cowboys in government and politics that we want to move out of Nigeria and we are demanding a international supervise referendum to actualize our people-hood and independence.This moribund national conference must provide our people via their representatives to table our demand for freedom to the international community,if the other Ethnic nationalities and their cabal representatives would not allow for the evolution of a federation that would create a new sense of genuine national togetherness and peaceful co-existence.The success of the above strategy depends on the human nature of the delegates going to the conference,whether they would protect and align themselves with the quest for the freedom of their people or sell their peoples and Ethnic nationalities to the enemies and cabals. Prepare for battle. Am Chela on the path of great worth and freedom Like · · Share
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:57:36 +0000

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