WE MUST HAVE SOMETHING WRONG WITH OUR BRAIN Wherever you go, you hear a bunch of ignoramuses attributing every conversation and every event to clan elements. It does not matter how many diplomas we have, our brain is wired wrongly. As long as we are worshiping clan, we are that ignorant. Our diploma is nothing more than a roll of toilet paper tissue. Lately, I have heard a bunch of pointless bantering that has gotten nowhere. We see our people are divided by cheap propaganda and rhetoric. Are we not tired of this stupidity? Im way more sick of listening to clan idolizing fools than I am of the crappy politics. Let me tell you this, pseudo-politicians are creating this division within us so that we throw this dodge ball back and forth in our faces while they continue to steal everything for themselves. The pockets of those crooked politicians will NEVER be full while ours are low on cash or were overdraft. Their hands wont be tired of stealing. They do whatever they can to keep the wheel turning and the cash coming in their accounts. They want you to fail, to suffer, and to go through never-ending pain and misery. I wish everyone would understand the lies, illusions and delusions we are being fed by those who want not whats best for us, but what is best for their politics. For many of us, truth, reason, and logic are like Kryptonite. With that said, those politicians are also there to rob us from our unity, happiness, progress and sanity. Fetishizing, idolizing and lionizing clans robbed us of more than two decades of our lives we will never get back. Because of our culture of silence, bad leaders threaten, steal, murder, and take away our childrens futures every day. Even if some of us are far away from home, our kids still hear our clan-ridden stupidity and nonsense flying back and forth in our conversations. We have corrupted their souls. Until now, I have not seen some parents having the will to be an example for their kids. We are setting up our kids for failure at the expense of your politicians. Somalis have become cynical and sarcastic. Somalis are becoming their own worst enemy. Those so-called politicians are notorious for skewing stories and sometimes straight up telling lies to make what they support look better and to make what they oppose look bad. Many may listen to their lies. I don’t think we are gullible and naive. Clan zealotry blinded us not to see the truth. So the questions are, how long will it take us to come out of this long coma to see how leaders twist stories just to manipulate us? Where does clan worshiping get us as a nation since 1991? Nowhere. Are we better off than we were 23 years ago? Let me tell you the truth, we wont be better off in another decade either if we continue to behave this way. No matter who becomes President, we wont be better off. No matter who becomes Prime Minister, we wont be better off either. None of them loves you. I dont think we’re smart enough to know we’re stupid. Many people may wonder why the Somalis are in this mess for ages. I believe we cant connect the dots where it matters, and draw conclusions about something that we apparently dont fully understand. If we open our mind a little bit, we can see where the shoes pinch. I think it is time for us to wake up. Clannish attitude will not help us. If a clan worshiping is good we would have made Somalia the most powerful and civilized country in the world. I hate how divided this country has become. Lets stop making things look ugly. Lets focus on our commonalities. Lets not pettifog over everything. In addition, bad politics thrives because we are busy hating one another. Bad politicians continue to impoverish us because we let them do what they are doing. I believe if all Somalis regardless of their clans and regions have a common front to oppose bad politicians, our country will be free from foreign troops who rape our sisters and daughters, external spoilers who arm and fund one clan against the other so that they continue to pillage our resources. We have rival neighboring countries that never wanted us to be united for centuries.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:37:37 +0000

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