WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT PLEASE!!! June 5, 2014 beginning at 7:00pm - TopicsExpress


WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT PLEASE!!! June 5, 2014 beginning at 7:00pm at the City Hall Council Chambers, 501 S.W. Emigrant Avenue, 2nd Floor, we are requesting a conditional use permit to conduct CrossFit Pendleton within the M-1 zone. Proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to present oral or written testimony before the closing of the public hearing. We would appreciate your support tremendously so that we can continue business here. 2 ways you can personally help are: 1.) Write a letter of what doing CrossFit means to you with the positive impact(s) it is contributing to your life, how is our facility beneficial to the community of Pendleton and why you want our business to be able to remain in Pendletons community. 2.) If at all possible, please be present during the hearing this coming Thursday Night at 7:00pm. As well, we as the owners & coaches meet weekly brainstorming various fundraising events & types of charities that we want to become active with. We have not spoke much to our members on this yet. A consensus amongst us have been we want to help children in the community. CrossFit in general is a core with supporting our Military Men & Women (hence Hero WODS). Our responsibility as a CrossFit Affiliate Gym is to give back to the community we are in. We would like to organize before Summer ends a Fundraising Weekend Event. We are all ears to members ideas of local organizations that you are passionate about. One thing that I personally respect from CrossFit is the 100% pass through of money to organizations & that nothing is held back for administration. I would like us to follow suit (100% pass through) with what ever we as a CrossFit Pendleton family decide give to.
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 20:29:01 +0000

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