WE SAY NO TO MALAWI CONGRESS PARTY (MCP). BECAUSE MCP; Arrested so many people, most have died in exile and some are still in exile. Masauko Chipembere was one of them. Beat up Chiefs in Nkhata-Bay because they refused to support a specific motion. Forced Jehova’s Witnesses into exile just because they refused to buy party cards and vote. Detention without trial. Abducted Orton Chirwa, founder of the party, and killed him without mercy. Chased away teachers from Northern Region. MCP responsible for the country’s lack of vision. MCP failed to develop a national vision that successive government should have followed. Did not develop vision for Agriculture, Economy, Health among others. Did not anticipate the future. Run the economy and Government like a personal estate. Did not allow Malawians to own wealth or assets that exceeded Kamuzu’s. Personalized Government resources e.g Great Hall at UNIMA and Kamuzu Academy – typical “Zonse nza Kamuzu Banda”. Isolated Malawi from other African countries (OAU) especially the front line states which were supporting liberation of South Africa from Apartheid and Mozambique from Portuguese rule. MCP refused multi-party democracy and a liberalized market economy. MCP’s Parliament was not democratic as the Party and Government was one (PIG – Party In Government). I wonder why is Rev Laz Chakwera decided to quit Gods work and engage himself in these evil doers of MCP. No to MCP!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 06:15:35 +0000

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