WE TEND TO BLAME EVERYONE BUT OURSELVES; DONT WE? OKAY! So lets say the far-fetched and as at yet to be founded theories that America deliberately let Mr. Eric Duncan die (God rest his soul) are even remotely true, THEN may God punish all and anyone who made that devilish decision. BUT! Lets all take a quick trip down REALITY STREET shall we: What is Africa really doing about African problems and shortcomings like Ebola and other dreadful diseases? Why are we Africans so quick to point fingers at the West for not helping us, BUT we continue to live with and stomach the evil that most of our inept leaders continue to perpetrate against us? Why do we let our leaders enrich themselves and their families while our health facilities continue to deteriorate? Actually, what even happened to #BringBackOurGirls, yeah the Nigerian schoolgirls that went missing for what seems like an eternity ago now? What happened to Africa restoring peace and order in places like Congo, where women and children are raped and killed daily? What happened to the African Union being unified and useful in solving African issues? What happened to being the most resourceful and industrious continent and people, to now being solely dependent on the West to be our savior on any and all crisis we face? OH! And why do we say we dont discuss politics, BUT we can vent and be irate about politics, long as it is blaming the West for not being fair to us? LETS WAKE UP AND TAKE CARE OF US FIRST! #EnoughOfTheBlameGame #LetsCleanOurHomesFirst #OnlyAfricansCanSolveAfricanIssues
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 11:22:23 +0000

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