WE, THE PEOPLE DO NOT WANT POWER; WE WANT HONEST PEOPLE IN PARLIAMENT, POLICE STATIONS AND IN OUR COURTS, NOTHING MORE. Today, politicians will vote on the “welfare cap”, we the people will not be consulted before decisions are made to enforce this cap. The reason we need a “benefit cap” is because we are (as a nation) massively in debt, not of our own making but as a direct result of banking criminals. We are paying back the money the banking professionals stole. This “benefit cap” is a “necessity” according to our politicians, even though every single person who has worked since 1978 HAS paid for these benefits. But more to the darker side of this government policy, what happens when the “cap” is reached? Over four years now the people have been paying for these activities of professional banking criminals. For the next 20 years we, the people will continue to pay for these crimes with “continued and permanent austerity” even though there has not been an end to the criminal practices of banking professionals in the last four years. What happens when the “cap” is reached? “We will have to bring this under control” say’s Ian Duncan smith, but what is the reality of “under control”? MORE HUNGER, COLD MISERABLE AND DEPRESSED HUMAN BEINGS WANTING TO COMMIT SUICIDE!! STOP BLOODY LYING TO US FROM PARLIAMENT: The government have claimed that state pensions costs the government about 80 billion pounds a year! Why? How? The vast majority of those on state pensions have already paid for their pensions throughout their working lives, they paid in multi taxes on everything from nappies to funeral expenses, they paid in national insurance, many also paid in blood for the country that now abandons them to poverty and misery. HOW CAN IT COST SO MUCH MONEY TO GOVERNMENT IF THE MONEY HAS ALREADY BEEN COLLECTED? WHARE IS ALL THE MONEY PAID IN NATIONAL INSURANCE AND TAXES THAT THE GOVERNMENT OVER THESE WORKING PEOPLES LIVES? 40 years of COLLECTED taxes and national insurance, gone! We are constantly laid too, deceived, robbed, defrauded and treated like criminals by our own government and the upper echelons in the judiciary, police forces and our own security services. All political parties have voted constantly to punish the poor and promote the wealthy, even to the point of refusing free food to the people who really are going hungry in our country. 11,000 PEOPLE, LIVING HUMANS HAVE BEEN DRIVEN TO SUICIDE OVER GOVERNMENT POLICIES. Yet the police, judges and other CIVIL PROTECTION institutions will not protect those they serve but instead “only follow orders” issued by those who control parliament. Two political parties, neither of which got a majority, agreed without asking the people to run the whole country for five years, they agreed to force austerity OVER prosecuting criminals working in the banking industry. THESE PEOPLE WORKING IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY STOLE hundreds of billions of pounds of peoples hard earned cash from pension funds and people’s savings and many other CRIMINAL offences of fraud robbery false accountancy etc. AT WHAT TIME WILL THE POLICE AND JUDGES OBEY HONEST COMMON LAW ARREST THESE CRIMINALS RUNNING THE BANKING INDUSTRY, PARLIAMENT AND THE HOUSE OF LORDS? WE DEMAND THE POLICE AND JUDGES PROTECT ALL OF THE PEOPLE, OF OUR COUNTRY, NOT JUST THE RICH, THE CRIMINAL BANKERS AND CORRUPT POLITICIANS, We demand you protect us honest people too, the ones whose taxes pay your wages, the people you swore to protect. The government swore to protect the people and have failed to do so. The police have sworn to protect the people and are failing to do so. The judiciary swore to protect the people and they too have failed in even the basics. WE HAVE A BUNCH OF PROVEN CRIMINALS RUNNING THE BANKING INDUSTRY, CON MEN (AND WOMEN) RUNNING PARLIAMENT AND COWARDS RUNNING THE POLICE AND JUDICERY. LEGISLATED LAW, LEGAL LAW, CIVIL LAW, CRIMINAL LAW, LEGALESE LAW, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, MANY, MANY LAWS AND NOT ONE TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE. SINCE THIS IS ALL PROVABLE IN A COURT OF LAW, WE HAVE THE MORAL RIGHT TO DEPOSE THESE CRIMINALS ANY WAY WE SEE FIT. THIS IS COMMON LAW. WE HAVE THE RIGHTS IF NOT THE POWER TO DEAL WITH IT. WE (the people) DON’T WANT THE POWER, JUST OUR RIGHTS. Failure to comply will have a common law response from the people, we will rebel, we will revolt and we will not accept this totalitarian governance any more. No British citizen can be convicted of civil unrest offences when standing up for their own human rights unless they are being refused their human rights in the first place. Our rights can no longer be ignored for the political and banking wrongs. A police state is a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive. The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state, OUR FREEDOM IS NO-ONES TO BARTER AND SELL TO PRIVATE LENDING COMPANIES. jsa
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:15:51 +0000

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