WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA... Sorry, who am I kidding??? We all - TopicsExpress


WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA... Sorry, who am I kidding??? We all know how the Indian constitution starts !!! India, a country 3.2 million sq. kms,7th largest in the world , 2nd most populous country with a population of 1.23 billion and counting, GDP of 1.8 triilion USD,10th largest economy by nominal GDP and 3rd largest by PPP, 22 recognised regional languages and many more dialects. Sounds more like a resume of the nation, isn’t it? Did we miss the point here? Yes, we missed a lot that cannot be hid in statistical figures but needs to be felt, imbibed, experienced. India , the oldest democracy in the world. In fact, it is this democratic fiber that has shaped a whole generation or two of Indian. It is like the suttel back ground score of a movie , that gives the general direction and creates the mood, the same background score that defines a movie. India, a land of unity where we agree to disagree. A land where one can feel the unique combination of silence at the beginning –OHM in the middle ( and the various colourful sounds, music, din and dustle ) – more silence in the end. India, a land so colourful in its presentation of landscape, clothing, tastes , climate, attitudes, traditions that an entire continent like Europe pales in comparison. I took the example of Europe because till recently, I always thought the various parts of Europe was more varied to one another . I was too late to just look around me. Indian geography and socio-political landscape is so wide. But wider is its soul and spirit. ‘Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavanthu’ best exemplifies this largness. This is what make our motherland so unique , so lovable. This is what makes Indians the real conqurers of the world. Yes, we Indians have conqured the world in every sense - be it in science and technology, art and literature, spread of Indians all across the globe and their contribution to the local economy, FDI in-flows, participation in global affairs. We are only an arms length to the so called Super Powers. However, we sometimes fail to see our unfortunate brethren existing in the gutters of illiteracy, narrow mindedness, mediocrity, intolerance. When we are busy making money for ourselves or for someone else, I am sure we will have a little space in our hearts to think about our motherland , it’s glory and it’s unfortunate sons and daughters. 2013 was an year of sweeping change, 2014 is predicted to be the year of the chaiwala. Hopefully , this change will reflect in our attitudes towards the down trotted. …..having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVERIGN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure all it’s citizens, JUSTICE ….., LIBERTY….., EQUALITY….., FRATERNITY…..IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY……..HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.” WISH ALL MY FELLOW INDIAS A VERY INVIGORATING AND LIBERATING 64TH REPUBLIC DAY. PS :- Recently, I was “teaching” India to my daughter ( she is one of the unfortunate children who couldn’t ‘feel’ the spirit of India, since being brought up in a foreign land), and I started my part by saying ‘ India is the most magnificent country in the world’. I was surprised and taken aback by her impulsive question “ Then why did you leave India?”. After thinking for a moment, I choose to side step her question under the pretense that she is too young to under the ecomomic compulsions of a so called new generation Indian. That question was the seed.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 13:33:34 +0000

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