WE THE PEOPLE, are the sovereigns, UNDER GOD. Our Ninth and - TopicsExpress


WE THE PEOPLE, are the sovereigns, UNDER GOD. Our Ninth and especially our TENTH Amendment protects our INDIVIDUAL and STATES Rights and POWERS, State and Popular SOVEREIGNTY, above our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and of OUR Constitution, which WE THE PEOPLE ordained and established UPON THEM, to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. Government doesnt care about the Constitution.... You are absolutely correct ! But they will when our State of Wisconsin Joint Sovereignty Resolution with ARREST Provision is sponsored and passed; which along with it vital companion legislation to prepare all State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies with Constitutional Courses and other preparation to obey their OATH to SUPPORT and DEFEND our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws against ALL ENEMIES both elected and their jackbooted alphabet soup agency minions. By these STATE legislative means Wisconsin shall lead up to incremental nullification of all Constitutionally UNLAWFUL Acts of Congress and the Executive branch since the 1913 Trifecta of Tyranny and TREASON, including all USURPATION, Taxation, and Federal spending that exceeds Article I Section 8 of The Constitution. After an UNLAWFUL Federal Act, usurpation, or spending has been nullified by Wisconsin, any Federal agent or agency operating ABOVE THE LAW or SPENDING money above the limited eighteen WE granted them shall be ARRESTED, JAILED, TRIED, and SENTENCED. Then our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights, of our wages, of our salaries and property, our economy, our small businesses, our jobs and FREEDOM will care, OR ELSE. - Capt. Karl youtu.be/hBP-pEX5gXM
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 05:25:32 +0000

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