WE have entered (again) Diamond Light Code Frequency Activations - TopicsExpress


WE have entered (again) Diamond Light Code Frequency Activations that amongst everything else that they do, they push anything buried deep within to the surface for release and unification within. These trigger ancient core existences, knowledge and deep everything within. If its there, its going to surface... which can be an absolutely amazing thing or not-so-amazing in-the-moment... yet where one is conscious, one can actually participate in the release and transcendence of what is just energy, no matter what it presents as, this truly is all that it is. The physical body needs a release of all that has been anchored and held within. The emotional body desires to let go, while the mental body will surface with any discord as well. All of your bodies are working to synchronize with the amount of light being activated (at all times), so that ascension can occur. There are a multitude of phases that one will experience, and the phase that one finds themselves at is absolutely perfect for each here. Suppression is not an option with these, so understanding and assisting is key. This is always important, for it is in ones own acceptance and embracing that this journey can be one of peace, beauty and brilliance, beyond the human minds comprehension and wildest dreams. HOW WE experience this journey is important, for we can expand and flow with it AS an open heart or we can forget and go unconscious which brings struggle, conflict and strife. The unconscious being is a victim. The conscious being acknowledges all and holds a power of knowledge beyond the old human programs that run/ran on auto-pilot inside. Realities are exactly as we transmit them to be. Understanding and tuning our own transmission in frequency allows us to completely change our own physical reality. There is an actual physical reality for each dimension. As Multi-Dimensional BEings we now have the capability to actually walk in these dimensions here. What is mind-blowing to the human-mind-aspect, is normal and remembered to us here. WE walk in a reality that we create and are no longer bound by the old limits that were previously held in place. WE expand into multiple dimensions and hold the frequencies of all inside of us here. The Quantum Field was inside of you and as you relax it does too. As you release your own barriers and limiting beliefs, this field goes and no longer holds you bound to the limits of the old dimensions as they once did. As you let go, your entire BEing expands. You, as Conscious Energy, become Multi-Dimensional again. As you embrace UNIFICATION, you begin to walk AS the UNIFIED FIELD. It is a web that connects all in LIGHT, but more than that, it is an energy that all become again. Eventually there is no separation anymore, between you and it. You are one and always conscious, expanding, unifying... the only separation is what presents in the moment and you see it and instantly release it, recognizing it as an old program held within that held you to a contracted and limited dimensional existence. Then you further expand to come to embody even more here. Contracting and expanding continually, you REMEMBER how to utilize each of these states. Your ability to transcend contraction and stay conscious in every moment will determine how limited you are in the physical reality you find yourself in. Eventually you never forget again (go unconscious), your heart is open at all times again. You have BECOME an Energetic Light BEing and you RADIATE with your entire essence. Every moment you are aware of what all truly is. Your entire energy field radiates love, gratitude, appreciation, light, honesty, truth, honor, kindness, compassion, purity, light... Eventually there is no separation of your energy AS all-that-is. Here you have instant manifestation/materialization, for there is no separation between you and abundance. Abundance is a feeling that you hold and transmit at all times from within. Many work to be abundant. Abundance is not work. Its who you truly are in purest form again. Every moment that you are abundant with your entire being then you are calling forth this abundance as/in-response to you. The moment you focus on the word abundance, it becomes a thing, a word, and you separate off from the ability to BE this in the physical here. Abundance is what the human seeks and it is this pulling energy of lack that yet abundance is us as alchemists by BEing abundant from within and radiating this out with every fiber of our being. The truly abundant being does not focus on abundance. It focuses, unifies and shares. It does, just because... abundance is in response to that. Abundance is a frequency, as is all things. You are a being of a magnitude of frequencies. Where one has MASTERED their own frequency transmissions and released the old frequencies of greed, fear and lack, one no longer concerns their self with abundance for AS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE all is available at any time one truly REMEMBERS FULLY and IS again. Abundance is who you are. Anything less is of your old human programmed belief systems. Unification brings this to you, as you.... Unlimited is a way of being here. By Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 13:19:24 +0000

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