WEATHER FORECAST FOR AUGUST 12TH – AUGUST 18TH 2014, TUESDAY Mostly cloudy day, late light rainfall is expected. A dew point of 22° that feels-like temperature of 26°C is expected Temperature Max 26oc Min 24oc Humidity: 78% Wind direction: SW Wind speed: 20km/h Chance of rainfall: 39% Amount expected: 2mm WEDNESDAY 13TH Mostly cloudy day, Light drizzle is expected. A dew point of 23° that feels-like temperature of 26°C is expected Temperature Max 26oc Min 24oc Humidity: 74% Wind direction: SW Wind speed: 22km/h Chance of rainfall: 50% Amount expected: 1.8mm THURSDAY 14TH Partly cloudy day. A dew point of 19° that feels-like temperature of 26°C is expected Temperature Max 26oc Min 23oc Humidity: 67% Wind direction: SW Wind speed: 12km/h Chance of rainfall: 10% Amount expected: FRIDAY 15TH Partly cloudy day. A dew point of 21° that feels-like temperature of 28°C is expected Temperature Max 27oc Min 23oc Humidity: 66% Wind direction: SSW Wind speed: 12km/h Chance of rainfall: 10% Amount expected: SATURDAY 16TH Mostly cloudy day is expected. A dew point of 21° that feels-like temperature of 26°C is also expected. Temperature Max 26oc Min 23oc Humidity: 70% Wind direction: SW Wind speed: 15km/h Chance of rainfall: 30%. Amount expected: SUNDAY 17TH Mostly cloudy day is expected. A dew point of 19° that feels-like temperature of 26°C is also expected. Temperature Max 26oc Min 24oc Humidity: 68% Wind direction: SSW Wind speed: 13km/h Chance of rain fall: 34% Amount expected: MONDAY 18TH Mostly cloudy day is expected. A dew point of 22° that feels-like temperature of 30°C is also expected. Temperature Max 28oc Min 24oc Humidity: 74% Wind direction: SW Wind speed:11km/h Chance of rain fall: 10% Amount expected: 0.4mm ` This week is expected to be the start of this year break in rainfall knows as the Little Dry Season or the August Break! • The week is expected to be mild in temperature with very little or no case of rainfall in the State. • Maximum temperature expected all through this week is 28 oc while the Minimum temperature of 23 oc is expected. • The trade wind over the country is Westerlies (i.e. moisture laden winds from Pacific Ocean), hence cool moist air is blowing over the country. • Lagosians should ensure that drains around their homes are well cleaned and maintained to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes (malaria causing parasite). • Health services sector should strengthen her contingency against cases of malaria, catarrh, pneumonia, asthma and other respiratory related illnesses which will be rampant during this season. • The construction / cleaning of drainages in flood prone areas within the state should be intensified now because of heavy rains ahead. • Construction companies should make good use of this break in rainfall (at least a two weeks break is expected). • Since the air humidity is increasing and the soil is moist, Famers should be encouraged to continue planting, proper irrigating method should be embark upon if need arise, however proper care of livestock and other farm products should be ensured. • All agencies, the emergency agency, the traffic agency, road repair, Power Holding Authority, and all related bodies should put in place measures to reduce accidents that may result due to flooding within and around the State. • The strong winds expected during onset and cessation of every rainfall, calls for caution therefore advertising and communication agencies are hereby advised to ensure the safety of their bill boards, and telecommunication mast respectively. ENQUIRES CONTACT: MRS OLAIMOLU 08062364856, 08058733503 OR E-MAIL skodastella@yahoo, skodastella@gmail you can also sms your email address for soft copies. NOTE: THIS FORECAST WILL BE UPDATED AS NECCESSARY.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:23:03 +0000

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