WEB PAGE UPDATED>>>>>> 11/1/14 : Tonights Nation Wide - TopicsExpress


WEB PAGE UPDATED>>>>>> 11/1/14 : Tonights Nation Wide qualifying at Texas was a large field of 14 drivers as turn out was very high and that meant that 2 driver would be go homers. After sorting out of the field that took officials longer than usual due to drivers deciding to bow out because of timing issues and frustrations it was 3 drivers who did not run. The Pole was won by SmokeyMacPot and sitting on the outside was Cometfanatic with a fast lap as well. Drivers who were not in the field but will receive points for showing up are ShaneMrakovich1, Demonsavior and LewwDa. When the race finally started SmokeyMacPot and Gamerpensfan had very fast cars with the #27 of NakedRacer showing speed and challenging for position as well. This race was a mixed batch of cautions and long green flag runs. Strategy was all over the place as come cars pitted early for tires while others stretched fuel. As a result there were several lead changes and good battles of cars mid pack running hard to gain back spots. The #9 of Nascarfan had a fast car racing in the top 5 for most of the race showing that he can race clean and give way to faster cars and pass slower cars with patience. As the race progressed drivers started dropping out due to pushing the limits and hitting the wall hard among other problems. Risktaker who had a great car early in the running sustained damage and was the first to go behind the wall. Then as NakedRacer went to make a green flag pit stop contact was made by the #14 car and sent him spinning and he may or may not have received damage. What we do know is he took the #27 car behind the wall and did not continue the race. Later in the running the #2 Ford driven by GoldenEagle made contact with the #5 car of Creeker sending the Blue Deuce into the wall. SmokeyMacPot had nowhere to go and plowed into the #2 hard sending the #14 into flames. The safety crews where there in a matter of seconds to pull SmokeyMacPot out of the burning racecar as they extinguished the pile of rubble that was his car. Driver of the #14 car SmokeyMacPot was not happy about his DNF and spoke about it to CRN outside the infield care center. He said he did not blame anyone specific but was taking no prisoners the rest of the season as he tries to dig himself out of the hole he is in. He went on to say that he was thankful that the rescue workers was as fast to the scene as they were and credits them and all the safety crews for an outstanding job. Amazingly the #2 team was able to pull away and make repairs under the caution and continued but only for a short time. Around 5 or 6 laps after the restart the #2 hit the wall hard and ended his day as well. He would tell CRN that he felt bad about the #14 car that he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. He went on to say that was the hardest hit of his racing career and was proud to say that his team builds a safe racecar and everything did its job today. He felt like the damage from from the first wreck caused his car to veer into the wall. Addicted and Flip raced around each other tonight alot scratching and clawing for a top 5 spot and showing good speed at times. The #88 of ChuckWagonGravy was running good and was using good pit stops to make up spots on the race track. He was one of the best getting on and off pit road all day gaining spots every time under the green. With 10 to go the #88 found himself staying out to assume the lead for what he hoped would be the last restart. When the green flag flew ChuckWagonGravy got a good restart and was pulling away. Then with only 7 laps to go the #18 and Flip got tangled up and spun out and the caution flag flew again. The #88 stayed out again as did the #48 of Cometfanatic and others for what would be the last restart of the race with only 5 to go. Cometfanatic was somehow able to do what noone could do all day starting on the outside and took first place going into turn one. Time would run out on the #88 as he ran him back down but was unable to get under him before the checkered flag flew. It was Cometfanantic who got his first win of his career tonight here at Texas and we would like to congratulate him and the #48 team. He has come so close before and was very happy in victory lane. ChuckWagonGravy was clearly disappointed finishing 2nd and did not have much to say after except that his team was getting better and more competitive this year and he was happy for that. Other drivers were not so happy and took to Face Book to express their displeasure. NakedRacer posted that he was out and done. Further comments went unanswered as SCMS officials have decided to suspend the #27 car from competition for the rest of this week until officials can convene later on in the week to see what other measures are needed. Race officials were upset about the attitude and reactions to racing incidents that he has been a part of and had a hard time getting race results. The rumor going around the garage is that he is done whether he wants to come back or not. SCMS will put out an official statement later on in the week to resolve this matter. CRN would also like to remind everyone that this is a report of the race and is in no way bias or trying to shape any opinion either way and is just reporting the SCMS official statement. We would like to think everyone for the great turn out and hope to see you all next week ant the Brick Yard for the historic race at Indy. Tune in at 9pm. est next Saturday Night for all the action. Finishing Order 1. Cometfanatic WINNER 2. ChuckWagonGravy 3. GamerPensfan 4. NascarFan 5. Creeker 6. Flip 7. Addicted 8. GoldenEagle 9. SmokeyMacPot 10. NakedRacer 11. RiskTaker 12. LewwDa 13. Demonsavior 14. ShaneMrakovich
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 20:56:48 +0000

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