WEDNESDAY EPISODE OF WHAT LIFE TOOK FROM ME EPISODE #74 Refugio tries calling Esme put gets her voice mail. He wants her to return. Maria is glad Ale is back. She wants to say goodbye. Shes leaving before she gets thrown out on her ear. Ale offers her money but where shes going it will not be needed. When Ale asks her what she means, he notices she has slit her wrists. She passes out as blood is dripping to the floor. Ale calls for re-enforcements. He tells Rosario to get bandages while Victor calls an ambulance. Next day, Refugio has fallen asleep waiting for Esmes return. He tries calling her again but gets voice mail. He wants to make sure she is okay. He gets a call from Angie and tells her he is on his way. Maria asks Ale why didnt he let her die? Ale says what she did was really stupid. Maria says she has no one else but him. You all are ready to throw me out on my ear. Where else will I go? I am alone. I have no one and dont want to live without you. I prefer to be dead. Ale advises Maria to rest and they will talk later. Ale sends Margarita to watch after Maria. Victor asks if he thinks Maria would try it again? Ale doesnt know but Maria is not well. Ale turns to his mother and says he doesnt know what to do. Rosario understands his anguish but believes what everyone else on the patio has been saying. She did it to get attention. Maria knows once you bring Montse and your son, she will have to go. Ale says she has no one in this world. Rosario understands but reminds him that Maria and Montse dont get along. Macario agrees. Maria will only get in between you again. Ale feels bad since he has known her all his life. Victor tells him to wait until she gets better. Ale tells Macario to fetch Dominga from the hacienda and bring her back. Macario will do it gladly. Ale also wants him to bring Padre Anselmo. He wants to baptize his son by the end of the week. He also says he wants to take advantage so that he and Montse can get married again. The reason they got divorced was to get rid of all the bad mojo. Now they want to get re-married to start fresh. Happy faces all around. Ale plans to visit Montse and invites Rosario to tag along. Rosario jumps at the chance to hold her grandson again. JL is finally released and comes home. Angie tries to get him to lie down, but he rather sit for awhile. She leaves to get him a drink. He takes the opportunity to ask whats troubling Refugio. Refugio is desperate for information from Esme. She didnt come home last night and he left countless messages. He takes a look at JL and asks him whats up. JL needs to know if Ale and Montse are back together. Refugio tries to tell him to forget about her, but JL points out that the way he is feeling about Esme is the same way he feels about Montse. He wont rest until he finds out. Hes positive the only reason Montse didnt come visit him at the hospital is because Ale has forbidden her to visit. Poor girl. She must be locked up and every move being watched. When Refugio keeps refusing, JL says perhaps Montse might know where Esme is since they are friends. Dim asks Montse whats going on between her and Ale. There mother doesnt understand what is going on. Montse explains that her marriage to Ale was a purchase. She wants to erase all that bad mojo and start fresh. So your divorcing to get married again asks Dim. Yes, replies Montse. Now no one is making my decisions but me. Thats whats important. She says shes off to see JL at the hospital, but Dim doesnt think its a good idea. Tia Carlotta comes in and agrees with Dim. Montse says Ale knows and is okay with it all. Tia Carlotta thinks she should just call the hospital and see how hes doing. Dim agrees and says she cant leave anyway. Ale is due at any moment. What for asks Montse. To ask for money again? She will not allow it. Dim says that is not the case. He asked his mother to call Ale. He doesnt believe Graceless for obvious reasons and he wants to know if he and Ale are brothers. He wants a DNA test. JL is resting and Angie comes to check on him. She wants to know what he and Ale talked about when he paid him a visit at the hospital. Does he regret what happened? JL says Ale doesnt believe that the boy Montse had is his. And is he asks Angie. JL cant believe that Angie is asking that. Angie points out that they loved each other and were planning on escaping. Thats in the past replies JL. The only thing I feel for Montse is appreciation. I dont want to see her unhappy. I would like to find a way to help her. Angie understands but doesnt think JL is telling her the truth. That he still cares for her. If you tell me, I promise to understand. But please tell me the truth. JL says he already told her he didnt. He asks for a kiss. Refugio is outside Montses house and up walks Ale. He asks Refugio what hes doing there? Are you here for that man? Refugio says hes not here on behalf of JL, but to speak to his wife. I know that Montse and Esme are friends and since last night I have not heard from Esme. I want to know if she knows anything. Ale wants to know what business he has with Esme? Im her boyfriend replies Refugio. Ale says he likes Esme and if he hears anything, he will pass it along. And another thing, tell your friend for his own good, not to get anywhere near my wife again. Rosario tells Ale that it was not a good thing what he did. Montse loves you. I know replies Ale. But she still loves JL since she said so at the hospital. I am going to fight for the woman I love. Graceless comes in asking if Ale has shown up. Montse tells her that under no circumstances she is to ask Ale for money. Graceless doesnt want to hear it and wants an explanation on the game she and Ale are playing. Montse tells Graceless she is under no obligation to explain anything that she does. Graceless again says she just wants to know if Montse came to an economic agreement with Ale. Montse reminds her that she is not like her. Only interested in money. Graceless insults her and says if she just has a little bit of intelligence she would have him take care of her. Dim during all this exchange is enjoying himself. Doorbell rings and Montse goes to answer it. She warmly greets Rosario and Ale. Tia Carlotta does the same. Rosario wants to visit her grandson and Montse offers to take her. She asks Ale if hes coming too? Ale says in a bit, he has business with Dim. Graceless tells Ale and Dim to join her in the study. Carlotta tries to follow but Graceless stops her. Ale tells Graceless that its best if he and Dim deal with all this alone. Graceless says she just wants to take care of her baby. Ale points out that her baby is nearly 30 years old. And if we are half brothers, then this should all be dealt with between us. Dim takes his dig and says after all this he understands why Ale doesnt trust her. He just wants to find out and be done with it. Ale says he wants to be the one to handle the DNA testing. Dim agrees. Ale wants to take a sample of his DNA with him. He tells Graceless to give him some scissors but Ale says it has to be the hair follicle. Dim says then just pull it out of my hair, but Graceless steps in and says to Ale that he will not be pulling any hair out of her babys head. Dim pretends he doesnt want her to, but she does it anyway and puts some hair in a bag for Ale to get analyzed. Ale says as soon as he finds out, he will let him know. Ale goes to Montses room to visit his son. (He looks really good holding that baby I must say). Montse wishes to talk to Ale and Rosario offers to take the baby for some fresh air. Montse says she doesnt know if Dim is the son of Benjamin but knows her mother is only doing this to take money from him. Ale believes it also and think that Dim and Graceless are after half of the inheritance. If Dim is also Benjamins son, then he is entitled to half the fortune. Ale walks away and when Montse wants to know whats up, he tells her that Maria tried to kill herself. Fortunately I found her and was able to get her help. Montse thinks she only did it to make him feel responsible and sorry for her. Montse says as long as Maria is there, I will not be. Ale again defends Maria. Marias father was a good man who helped me when I needed it. Maria has no one and I do feel responsible for her. I cant abandoned her. Montse suggests sending Maria to the hacienda to live and they will stay in Aguazul. But do not ask me to live with her again. Things will get bad between us again. Ale agrees and wants Montse to join him to buy his mother some things. Dim wants to know who else knows about the dead baby. Graceless says only 2 people and neither one of them will speak. Is one of them Amelia? Of course replies Graceless. Dim says its her responsibility to ensure that she doesnt open her mouth. Dim gets a call from Adolfo. He tells his mom that Pedro Medina wants to see him. Graceless tells him to leave right away. Thanks to that man, you didnt go to prison for the death of Bruno Gamboa. Whatever he needs you do. No matter what it is. Refugio pays a visit to EZ and demands to know where Esme is at. EZ has no clue who hes talking about. Esme says she is in a lot of trouble and the last person who saw her was you. EZ agrees but she sent him away since she decided to return with you. But I saw her kissing you shouts Refugio. EZ says it was just a goodbye kiss. Refugio wants to file a missing person report. He begs EZ to help him find her. He leaves and EZ calls Pedro to tell him someone came to file a missing person report on Esme. Pedro says not to do a thing. He doesnt like anyone talking about him and ensured that Esme will keep her trap shut forever. EZ hangs up and says that he warned her. Margarita tells Victor she is taking a tea to Maria, but he offers to do it instead. He goes to her room and finds her gone. Tia Carlotta is pushing the baby in the stroller out in the garden. Maria knocks her in the head with a rock and takes the baby. She says that his mother took what she most loved in this world and now she will be returning the favor. Maria is walking away with the baby when Macario, Dominga and Padre Anselmo walk up. Padre asks Maria what shes doing with the baby. Maria lies and says Ale asked her to watch the baby while he talked to Montse. Dominga is overcome with excitement on seeing the baby and takes him from Marias arms. Macario, Padre Anselmo and Dominga coo over the baby as Tia Carlotta stirs from her forced nap. Macario thinks Dominga looks good with a baby in her arms and tells Dominga at anytime he will help her have one. Dominga reminds him only after their married and Padre Anselmo seconds that. Maria tries to leave but Padre detains her. He found out from Macario the newest stupidity she did. Dont you know its a sin to take your own life? Only God can do that. Tia Carlotta is finally alert and looks to see the baby. She screams that the baby is gone. Macario, Dominga and Padre Anselmo tells Tia Carlotta to calm down. She says someone hit her over the head and she passed out. Padre Anselmo and Macario look behind them for Maria. They realize that Maria wanted to steal Ales baby. Graceless goes to visit Amelia. While shes waiting she has a little chat with Virginia. She hates it that Josefina got in the way of her and Dims relationship. She feels that Virginia is the one for Dim. She also says that Dim just left his ugly wife. Virginia is happy on hearing the news. Dim pays a visit to Pedro. Pedro says he hates ungrateful people. Thanks to him, Dim is out and about free as a bird. He has been waiting months for Dim to come and thank him. Dim apologizes and he thanks Pedro. Pedro lists all the crimes that Dim and his mother did. He could have gone to prison for a long time and his mother too. Dim wants to know what he wants. Pedro reminds him that their future is in his hands. He asks if Dim is really the son of Benjamin. Dim says Ale is currently performing a DNA test to see if its true. And you care going to fight for your part of the inheritance asks Pedro. Of course replies Dim. Pedro says he can help Dim get all of the fortune not just half. In exchange for....asks Dim. Pedro says hes interested in the hacienda and the lands around it. If you sell it to me at the price I set, then I will help you get it all. Graceless inquires about Angie. Amelia says shes not doing well. She is always at the hospital and isnt taking care of herself. Now that they are home, perhaps she can get to the business of getting better. So her husband didnt die asks Graceless. No thankfully says Amelia. But I know you didnt come here to ask me about JLs health. Your right replies Graceless. But just tell your daughter to take care of her husband, especially since Ale and Montse just got a divorce. Amelia asks Graceless to spit out what she wants. Shes busy. Graceless gets right to it. 30 years ago, you promised me to keep a secret and I need you to do it again. Swear to me that you will not speak to anyone about the son I had with Benjamin. Amelia says she doesnt have to swear anything to her. If she has kept quiet all these years then there is no reason for her to say anything now. Graceless thanks her. Amelia says not to thank her. The only reason she has kept quiet is because she is ashamed of helping her. Tell me. Did you ever cry over your child dying in your arms? Because I have a daughter that is dying and there is not one night that I dont wake up crying in pain. Graceless says the baby was in the way of her obtaining the future she wanted. You know that. Graceless goes to leave knowing that Amelia is expecting a visor. Amelia says she is trying to fix some clothes so they will fit. How she misses Juanita. She sure was good with a needle. May she RIP. Graceless doesnt understand why Amelia would mention her. Because I remember when we would play outside while your mother fixed my mothers clothes. Graceless says she doesnt regret any decision she made to get away from the filthy hole she was living in. Amelia insults her and admits for a child of a tailor, she sure made it far. (with friends like that, who the heck needs enemies?) JL watches Angie sleeping and covers her with a blanket. Theres a knock on the door and its Refugio. JL wonders if he found out anything. Nothing replies Refugio. I came across Ale and had to leave. He told me to tell you not to get anywhere near Montse. It can be really bad. JL says Ale tried to kill him and he assures him the next time things will turn out different. Refugio tells JL to leave the whole Montse situation in the past. JL points out that Montse is not happy. And you arent happy asks Refugio. Poor Angie. She doesnt deserve this. JL says he feels horrible for keeping his feelings for Montse under wraps. Refugio wonders if Montse left her husband for him, would he turn around and leave Angie? Knowing that her only reason for living was him? JL changes the subject and wants to know if Refugio knows where Esme is? Nothing says Refugio. I even went to EZ and he assured me he would help find her. Ale finds out from Victor that Maria is gone. He hopes Maria didnt do anything stupid again (too late!).
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 21:00:32 +0000

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