WEDNESDAY EPISODE OF WLTFM EPISODE #90 In this fairytale of - TopicsExpress


WEDNESDAY EPISODE OF WLTFM EPISODE #90 In this fairytale of ours, Angélica wished for three things: -- A chance to cut loose and be a little naughty. -- Real passion -- she wanted José Luis to love her in every sense of the word. -- To die on her on terms, far from desperate eleventh hour interventions. The first two wishes come true tonight. As for the third... No thanks, Im just looking . Pedro Medina watches as his favorite program comes to a stirring climax. He sucks contentedly on his pipe. ¡No te metas en mi vida! Josefina could not be prouder of Dimitrios decision to join the navy. And it would make his father so happy, chimes in Carlota happily. Graciela tries to make the best of it. Shell talk to Captain Robledo about getting her baby promoted. Dimitrio wont hear of it. He intends to rise through the ranks by his own merit. He warns Graciela not to meddle in his life. Graciela, who is decked out in scarlet for her evening with Sandro, announces that she is cancelling her date so she and Dim can celebrate. Dimitrio is celebrating, all right -- with his wife! Ouch. As he and Josefina stroll off together, Graciela turns on Carlota and complains that the freak is stealing her baby. Sandros sudden entrance forces her to switch gears quickly. While Carlota scowls at the smarmy Miami Cuban, Graciela takes the opportunity to get some digs in about Carlotas appearance (she looks like crap (demacrada, haggard, worn-out) -- she ought to try putting cucumbers on her face). She saves the best for last: she absolutely gloats that Alejandro has been arrested and poor Montserrat is just devastated. A couple of Poles are in a bar... ...and two attractive young women wiggle around them to the delight of their menfolk. Refugio waves bills in the air, surely intent on tucking them in some indecorous place on Esmeraldas person. José Luis enjoys his beer and his wifes gyrations. He slips a folded bill in Angélicas cleavage. Its all good clean dirty fun. Esmeralda made Angies fantasy come true, and Angie made Esmeraldas dream come true. Now the ladies own the place! Esmeralda promises she will only dance for Refugio. People-watching At TOSCA (The only supper club in Aguazul) Sandro is surprised that a woman as beautiful as Graciela was married to a man so much older than herself. Age is unimportant when theres love, says Graciela (thus showing that she is perfectly fluent in Human, even if she rarely has occasion to use it). She begins to spin a beautifully edited version of Lauros tragic illness and death, but she gets distracted when she catches sight of her bebé and Josefina at a table on the other side of the restaurant. At that table, Dimitrio tells his wife that he has applied to study marine engineering -- it was what his father wanted. How proud he would be, says Josefina. She doesnt care that hell be earning very little money. (He promises hell be a millionaire one day -- just give him 273 years!) She giggles. All that matters is that he loves her. They kiss tenderly. Sandro follows Gracielas stare. They make a beautiful couple, he says. (Because Sandro is also fluent in Human.) Josefina is worth her weight in gold, he adds with a brilliant smile (though we suspect he isnt really using the expression as a metaphor.) Memories Eye --> Mind Alejandro takes refuge from the bleak prison cell by remembering the joyful moments he only recently experienced with Montserrat and Laurito and Rosario. The moments of love. The promises. Back home, Montserrat assures Laurito that it wont be long before his daddy is back with them. Do you love me now that I can dance? José Luis carries Angélica over the threshold and into her bed. Then he nuzzles her like an amorous pony. She danced for him, she says. Now its his turn. (Te toca.) Hell work for kisses, he says. He stands up and starts to unbutton his shirt. Isnt she going to take his shirt off? He turns and swivels his hips playfully. Then he leans in for a serious kiss. Have I really made you happy? he asks. When she starts to thank him for what he has given her, he interrupts her. Life gave him a gift when he met her . She has taught him to enjoy every moment. And she has taught him what it means to love. And what comes after the dance? wonders JL. Behave yourself, says Angie, smiling. But JL says he is going to be a very bad boy. He leans over her as she lies back on the bed and begins to kiss her. Moonrise. Sunrise . Sunset? Angélica, its time to wake up! He kisses her lightly. She doesnt stir. Open your eyes! Still no response. Dont do this to me! José Luis cries out desperately, shaking her, trying to elicit some reaction. I wont let you die! Once more, he gathers her slight body in his arms. But now that body is limp and still. Pedros interrogation falls flat. Pedro has Alejandro brought to an interview room. Alejandro wants to know why a judge signed off on his arrest. Pedro says he has a statement from known narco Samuel Barajas which clearly shows his guilt. If Alejandro confesses that he knew what Arechiga was up to -- and tells him where the money is hidden -- Pedro will make sure he gets a light sentence. He could be out of prison in a couple of years. But if he wont cooperate, theres a good chance hell spend many years inside, separated from his family, from his child. Alejandro stands his ground. He demands to see his lawyer. The money Pedro is looking for doesnt exist. Alejandro has never participated in illegal activities. In fact, Pedro is the one who should be locked up in prison. Once Alejandro has been taken back to his cell, Ezequiel -- who has been silently observing the proceedings -- remarks that it wont be easy to get this guy to go along with them (Almonte no va a dar su brazo a torcer , he wont let anyone twist his arm). Pedro says they need to incriminate Alejandro and fast, or they wont be able to hold him in custody much longer. Hiding in plain sight Angélica lies unconscious in her hospital bed, a ventilator breathing for her. (In fact, she is in the very place and in the very situation that she has spent the last 80 episodes trying to avoid.) José Luis whispers to her: Fight, Angélica! I dont want to lose you. He kisses her brow. Then he walks away from the bed and phones Amelia: Come to the hospital right away. Angélica has had a relapse. When JL steps outside the room for a moment, at the nurses request, he notices a couple of police guards outside a patient room. He guesses that Samuel Barajas must be inside and pulls rank to get past these two -- HE is the person in charge of the investigation! And there is Barajas, weak but conscious and able to talk. Save your questions, he tells JL. He has nothing to say. JL is confused -- didnt Barajas already say tell the authorities that Almonte was his partner? Barajas is irate. He said no such thing. He said he didnt know Almonte at all. The only person he ever dealt with was that traitor, Joaquín Arechiga. Fabiola works on Virginia Fabiola has been deeply shaken to hear that the woman she believed was her biological mother, Anastasia, may have been, in fact, her adoptive mother. She has come gunning for her godmother Amelia. Surely she has known the truth all along and she owes her an explanation. It is Amelias younger daughter Virginia who opens the door to Fabiola. Doesnt Ginnie remember her? Well she was just a kid the last time they met. Amelia just left a moment ago, the girl tells her. Fabiola doesnt mind waiting. She scopes out the room and sees a bottle of wine beckoning her. She walks right over and begins to open it. Would Ginnie like to join her? Fabiola turns the corkscrew expertly all the while reading the young girl, looking for the best place to strike. Virginia says no, her mom would be mad. Fabiola eggs her on -- isnt she of age? Yes, shes eighteen. Fabiola extracts the cork with a pop. Then you dont need to worry about your mother. Besides, you look like you need this more than I do. She pours out two glasses. ¡Salud! Unaware that Fabiola is alone with Virginia, Amelia arrives at the hospital to tend to Angélica . Esmeralda and Refugio have now joined José Luis at Angélicas bedside. Amelia enters, sobbing. What did the doctors say? Shes in a coma and on a ventilator -- she cant breathe on her own. This isnt what Angélica wanted, Amelia says, despairingly. Refugio comes to JLs defense -- Angélica wouldnt be alive if not for his friend: Señora, si José Luis no la hubiese traido a tiempo, en este momento su hija habría perdido la vida. (Maam, if JL hadnt brought her here in time, by now your daughter would have lost her life.) JL says he knows that Angélica wants to say goodbye to her mother and sister. Amelia hasnt said anything to Virginia yet -- its so hard and Virginia has been so upset lately. Amelia turns down Refugios offer to notify Virginia -- it is something that Amelia has to do herself. First, however, she needs a few minutes alone with her daughter. José Luis steps into the hall to give his suegra some privacy, and notices right away that the guards outside the prisoners room are gone -- and so is Barajas! A nurse tells him the patient has just been discharged. Not even the chilaquiles? Oh man... Montserrat and Rosario have been waiting a long time to see Alejandro. At last a guard approaches them. Alas, the news he brings is disappointing: the prisoner is not permitted any visitors; he cant even have the food his mother brought for him. The guard is just obeying orders. Despite their tearful pleas, theres nothing he can do to help them. Montse asks the man to tell Alejandro that his wife was here, that she loves him, and that she is doing everything she can to free him; and Rosario asks him to say that his mother is praying for him. The women make their sad way home. Surprisingly, the guard actually delivers their messages. A zombified version of Joaquín stares out from the cell opposite Alejandros; he also seems to hear these words of pathos and hope. (Is that Les Misérables that hes reading?) A modern executive working from home Pedro is back home now, enjoying the spacious gardens of his new narco mansion. We hear him barking orders into his phone: You got Barajas out of the hospital? Whatever it takes, you have one day to get him to sign a confession. Got it? He turns his attention to Adolfo, seated across from him. Tell María to get ready to testify against Alejandro. Adolfo agrees unenthusiastically. Pedro says hes still worried about Arechiga. The man might crack under pressure and start to talk. That would ruin everything. Someone has to remind him whats at stake. Thats why Adolfo has to do what Pedro ordered. Adolfo is definitely in over his head. Id prefer... he begins. But Pedro cuts him off. EZ is busy with Barajas -- Aha! Thats who Pedro was talking to on the phone! -- Adolfo will do his job and earn the salary he pays him. Nadia comes by just as her brother is leaving. Whats the matter with Adolfo? He seems nervous. Oh, Nadia knows what hes like -- hes in some kind of trouble and needs a little money. By the way, how did Nadia and their pet enjoy the country house? He wants to pay rent? Thats fine with Pedro. The main thing is getting her pregnant as soon as possible. And he has to be the first one to know. Nadia (who is an intellectual peer of, say, Refugio -- or perhaps of one of the small songbirds flitting about the garden) is feeling some remorse about agreeing to their deal. [You know, the deal where Victor gets to be the drone who impregnates the queen bee and then disappears. I mean whats to regret?] For Pedro, that is the price that idiot Victor has to pay for getting involved with a woman that doesnt belong to him. Hospital José Luis has asked Refugio to do an errand for him. Refugio agrees, but with great reluctance. Casa Almonte Rosario and Montserrat tell Victor how they were turned away at the prison. Victor is incensed. He will make sure the lawyer knows about that. Alejandro has a right to visitors. Montserrat has to put Macario on a leash Hyper Macario spots Refugio walking towards the house. He yells at him to leave and backs up his words by waving his gun in the air. But Montserrat, perhaps hearing the ruckus, comes out and agrees to see JLs friend. Meanwhile Macario explains to Victor just who this Refugio guy is. (El perro del otro perro , the other dogs dog) Montserrat tells Refugio how Alejandro is being maltreated in prison. She still holds JL responsible for his suffering, convinced that he is abusing his authority to exact his personal vengeance. Refugio acknowledges that JL has plenty of reasons to hate Alejandro. Even so, he (Refugio) doesnt agree with everything that is going on. Refugio decided to come here of his own accord -- José Luis doesnt even know about this visit. [We, of course, know that this is untrue. Refugio is following a script written by José Luis.] It is important for Alejandro to know that Samuel Barajas has not yet signed a confession. They want to force him to declare against Alejandro, but he hasnt given in to their pressure yet. Whose pressure? Its that bastard Pedro Medina... And also José Luis, interjects Montserrat bitterly. ...who is trying to force him to do so. Right now there is insufficient evidence against Alejandro. It is very important for Alejandro to know that -- and his lawyer too. If he confesses and tells Pedro he burned the money, his situation could get much worse. Montserrat is confused. Then José Luis hasnt told them about the money... A sloppy, giddy wine drunk... Fabiola and Ginnie are sloshed. Amelia takes one look at them and knows exactly what must have happened. She lashes out at Fabiola: Its one thing for her to destroy her own life with booze. Its quite another to take advantage of her daughter and her emotional fragility at the moment. (I cant remember -- does Fabiola know about Angélicas illness?) ...and the Worst Timing Ever Ginnies boozy aggrieved aggression EXPLODES. Shes grateful to Fabiola for giving her something that Amelia never could -- a little attention, a few laughs. When Amelia tries to tell her that this isnt the time, that Angélica needs her, Ginnie lets loose again. It is always about Angélica. What about Virginia? Who worries about her? I hate you! she yells in her mothers face. I wish I were sick -- maybe then youd pay some attention to me! She runs from the room. Amelia starts to follow her daughter, but Fabiola stops her. Amelias not going anywhere until she answers her question (and now Fabiola has tears in her eyes too): ¿Me puedes explicar por que Graciela Mendoza anda diciendo que mi mamá no podía tener hijos? ¿Tú sabes si es verdad que fui adoptada? (Can you explain to me why Graciela Mendoza is going around saying that my mom couldnt have children? Do you know if its true that I was adopted?) Avances: Angélica may be dying Alejandro pleads with Joaquín to tell the truth -- that he is innocent.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 22:05:58 +0000

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