WEDNESDAY JULY 09, 2014 LESS THAN ONE MINUTE OF PRAYER AND SCRIPTURE REFLECTION ⌛ OUR DAILY BREAD PRAYERS AND SCRIPTURE PROMISES - PRAYER: Loving Father, We know You do still speak to our hearts. I tire quickly because I am overwhelmed myself with being too busy. Teach me to be still, to listen and hear what You are trying to tell me. SCRIPTURE: AND HE SAID, MY PRESENCE SHALL GO WITH THEE, AND I WILL GIVE THEE REST. Exodus 33:14 Beloved Sisters and Brothers, This was the better thing that God offered Moses. God promised Moses his presence. God replied to Moses prayer - his request for a sign by saying, My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest (Ex. 33:14). God personally and providentially led Moses and the nation of Israel. God offered something better than guidance; He promised to be their Guide. He promised to accompany them, to be with them. He was not some God that only lived in a heavenly domain, but rather a God that chose to come down and live among his people. God wouldnt provide handwriting in the sky; but He would offer His hand to Moses and His people and walk with them, side by side, friend with friend. If we want to know Gods will, we must get to know God. The guidance hinges on the relationship. If we seek the Guide more than guidance, we just might see the sign we are looking for. And, even more, we receive some wonderful benefits.... We will experience rest (v. 14) . . . and I will give you rest (Ex. 33:14). The rest that is spoken of here is a rest that comes while we are on our journey. It is a rest that reaches to the core of their being. It is not like a weekly day off, paid vacation, or guaranteed holidays. It is not merely a cessation of activity, struggle, or of journey. It is a calmness and a security that comes through walking with God. Hallelujah! PEACE, LOVE AND BLESSINGS
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 13:07:24 +0000

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