WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 Non-Malay MPs cry foul over - TopicsExpress


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014 Non-Malay MPs cry foul over rape remark Anisah Shukry and Leven Woon | March 19, 2014 MPs from Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat pour scorn on Deputy Home Minister Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafars remark saying that non-Malays were less sensitive to statutory rape. KUALA LUMPUR: Non-Malay MPs from both sides of the political divide condemned Deputy Home Minister Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar for his remarks that Chinese and Indians were less offended by statutory rape. MCA secretary-general Ong Ka Chuan said it was inappropriate and inaccurate for Wan Junaidi to make unsubstantiated assumptions based on statistics that only showed the number of statutory rape victims by ethnicity. “He is entitled to his opinion, but now the society will judge him based on what he said. “You cannot lie about statistics. It is inappropriate for him to say that some races don’t make police reports on statutory rape,” Ong said when met by reporters in Parliament. The Tanjung Malim MP said Wan Junaidi should have instead used the data on statutory rape to study the socio-economic background of the different ethnic groups and consult experts. “We must also take into consideration the education level or other aspects of the ethnic groups,” he said. However, he added that the MCA would not ask the deputy minister to apologise because it was only his opinion and not that of the government. Yesterday, Wan Junaidi said Malays reported stautory rape because they were offended and sensitive more than the other races. He told the Dewan Rakyat that police recorded 1,550 reports on statutory rape in 2012, adding that Malays were victims in 1,243 of the cases. Chinese victims accounted for 73 and Indians 45. The rest were from other racial backgrounds. “This means most Malays are sensitive to the rape of teenage girls and lodged police reports. “Non-Malays are probably less sensitive so there are not many reports from them,” said Wan Junaidi. MCA vice-president and Labis MP Chua Tee Yong said the mainstream media had not reported on the Wan Junaidi’s statement and it was best to clarify his remarks as well as to refer to the Hansard. “I have read the Star and NST (New Straits Times) and the comments are not there. I was not in the Dewan when he answered. If he did say it I am sure the MPs present, including the opposition, would have questioned him,” said Chua. He said any race in the right mind would not accept or tolerate rape. V Sivakumar (DAP-Batu Gajah) said Wan Junaidi should apologise to Malaysians for his remarks. “He has painted the non-Malays as an immoral lot who are not concerned by the issue of statutory rape,” said Sivakumar. He urged the authorities not to look at statutory rape through a racial lens but use the statistics to help youths in need. Similarly, PKR’s Batu MP Tian Chua said Wan Junaidi’s remarks revealed why such social ills remained unsolved. “After all these years of independence, they still do not look into the real causes of social problems but stereotype it based on races. “The problem is not solved because we do not look into the cause of a problem. “We just skirt through the issues by giving racial answers or justification. I think it is something we have to correct,” the PKR vice-president said. Tian Chua said the issue was not based on race but occurred among the poor in society. “So it is linked to the economic situation, rather than cultural upbringing,” he added. Chong Chieng Jen (DAP- Bandar Kuching) tabled a motion in the Parliament today to refer Wan Junaidi to the House’s Rights and Privileges Committee for making a false and insulting statement. “We don’t expect this kind statement to come from a deputy minister. We want him to retract his statement and apologise,” he said. Deputy speaker Ronald Kiandee said he could not decide because he was not the one chairing the sitting when Wan Junaidi uttered the statement. “But I will inform Tan Sri (Pandikar Amin Mulia) to make a decision later,” he said. MIC wanita chief M Mohana said Wan Junaidi should understand all communities did not tolerate rape. “It does not matter whether you are a Malay, Chinese, Indian,” she said. Mohana said research suggested that a rape victim would usually consider on how effective the legal system was in dispensing justice, before deciding to report the crime.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:42:39 +0000

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