WEDNESDAY SPECIAL: ERICK OKELLO TENDE, THE “PROFF”, PARTS TWO Born over two decades ago, raised in a rural set up, went to rural schools and grew in rural ways, Erick tende had already known science. Science had been in the bloodstreams of this boy since he was a toddler. He could make scientific models while he was just a class two pupil. Models that could then be used by the class sevens and class eights. All this, he did without the knowledge that he was involving himself which was academic works. He remembers making a periscope while he was in class five. That periscope, if u were to go to his former primary school staffroom,(SHIBALE PRIMARY IN MUMIAS) today, I tell u, u will find it still there, intact. U will never miss a science model where proff has stepped his foot on. If u think am telling a lie, go to lecture room 6 even now. When he got to high school, he couldn’t do much due to restriction on what to carry while going to school. Worse of all, st. Peters was a boarding school. He remembers how he used to get at loggerheads with his sisters, who used to throw his materials out while they were sweeping the house. They used to render what he was doing as useless. At this time, his mother also never understood what the guy was doing. Sometimes he could receive some tongue lashing, coz they thought he was just idling and toying about. He never gave up. PROF was determined. Prof was admitted to jooust as bachelor of education arts(Kiswahili geography) student. This had been due to pressure from his mother who somebody had gossiped to her of how Kenya is inefficiency of Kiswahili and geography teachers. She wanted a job PAP career for her son. Her son was of what he is interested in. it was the beginning of a cycle which ended positively for PROF. “When I went to register for courses with my elder sister at masindemuliro university,” he narrates,” she had a paper written in some courses which she told me, ‘mum amesemaujazehizi’, I took a about six minutes staring on the piece of paper in disbelief, then I finnaly put what she wanted me to put. No science course was in that list. I filed bachelor of education arts, B.U.C as the last option, not knowing it is what I will be called for,” I look at his face as he narrates this. I can’t tell what’s really in it. A mixture of contempt and excitement is difficult to separate sometimes. But its still radiant. Sometimes giving the same sweat smile, sometimes intact. It is a healthy look after all. For about 2-3 weeks when he joined jooust, Erick was extremely uncomfortable. He was uncomfortable of strange faces, he was uncomfortable because the servers at the mess used to speak to him in luo coz they thought he was a luo. But what was making him more uncomfortable was the reality that he was an arts student and not science which he had embraced since childhood. He neither copied notes for that period he was an arts student nor bought books, hoping against hopes that a miracle would happen. Am writing about somebody who God has walked with at any juncture he has thought it is the climax of his life. Am talking about somebody who has witnessed the power of Jehovah.Am talking about the favored one.Am talking about him again today. He was later allowed to change course. That’s when he went for mathematics and physics. This is the most memorable moment for PROFF. He still remembers how he was excited. Spasms of joy are already reviling on his face. He resumes the excitement of that day, I presume. That evening, he called his mother to give her the breaking news,” mum, I have changed, am no longer talking geog and Swahili. Am taking maths/physics,” was the announcement. Her mother on the other end did not receive the message in good heart. How could he dare change, “nanimwalimualisemaufanyehiyo? “Was how she complained. He immediately cut the phone. Being a short tempered person, he did so to avoid further confrontation with the parent. Erick tende is a quiet person. But when angry, the guy canrealy talk a lot. Immediately he cut the phone, he went to the room, thrust himself inside, exclaiming “how can a whole professor of science do arts?” that was the genesis of the name proff. The roommates stated nicknaming him so from that day. The name has since stack and well known and used by those who interact with him. Erick the proff likes jooust very much. His only regret is that they aren’t ready to nurture scientific skills. The way some lectures teach science is also regrettable and pathetic. He just wishes some people will get their minds right and do what is required of them. His religious life has also had some ups and downs, but now at least he got the right people to worship with. After being shown rejection at his former church, Erick together with his brother had almost completely given up on church. He although later resumed, but not as strong as he had used to be before. This was three weeks before he joined JOOUST when he started going to church again. This is also the time when real miracles started to stream on his way. Within this period is when he wasn’t seeing himself joining university, though he had gotten a chance, only for mumias sugar company to slap him with a 50k cheque right on his face! One Sunday morning, as he strolls about, he notices some people arranging chairs in the assembly hall. A power from wherever just pulls he and he found himself also arranging chairs. It was a great experience indeed. After that, the same power convinces him not to go but to join in the service; this is how Erick tende found himself in Christian union. He developed an habit of going to church every Sunday morning before services began, just to assist maryking’ara and purity(I dint bother to ask which purity is this) in arranging seats and sweeping, not speaking to anybody during this period. Just mute. “C.U built me eriq. I was so low in spirit when I joined compared to now. I didn’t know whether I will make it consistently up to this moment. God is grateful indeed”. I just like the way the guy sounds. I actually envied him. I wished I was the one telling somebody this powerful testimony. It was one Sunday when he had come to arrange seats as usual, that MARY KING’ARA(a fouth year now) approached him and asked him whether he could join ushering department. At first, he hesitated, but he later joined ushering department, where he serves up to date. A diligent God’s servant I tell u. His role model is ben Carson. The book ‘GIFTED HANDS’ Is what inspired him, and made him reach this HEIGHT. He remembers how, like ben Carson, he also used to perform dismally in math while in form 2 and 3, but comekcse, things changed. About those who have held various positions at student union, it is only ALLAN ONYANGO he sees as the one who at least tried to do something meaningful with his position. But the guy is great. He has gone through thick and thin, but still emerged out unscathed, raring to go on. He has taught me one thing. That life is not about whom u know, it’s not about where u come from. It’s not about friends. Life is about whom u serve. Erick okellotende(proff) and his family chose to serve the lord, the lord didn’t disappoint them. Why do u think if u decide to do the same, HE will disappoint u?
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 18:55:03 +0000

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