WEDNESDAY SPECIAL: THE ELECTION AFTERMATH ON UA MARKS, GET READY……………………………….. This is abit longer, renew ua comp pliz ndio umalize. Those using bundles, the ones allergic to library, I pity u!!! Finally politics is over. The debauchery, the chicanery and the timidity and doubtful faces contestants have been putting on in the past two weeks are now vanishing. Did u look at the pastor’s face during voting? What about SAILAS’ FACE!! But MULIRO’S face was worse. Si u know those lines usually on his forehead, they had doubled up in number. Somebody could think that blood was to gush out anytime soon. Yes, its called hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Am happy the greetings have now reduced, saved for some who are doing it so that not to be mentioned NEGATIVELY in WEDNESDAY special. Talking of mentioning names, pliz, E.J doesn’t just mention anybody or anything on his articles. Infact there are some who I just mention out of pity so that people to realize that they are still alive and kicking. Am saying this coz there is this crazy fella who was shouting hoarse at me on Saturday night at savanna. The fella had been seeing me every day and neva asked me why I mentioned his name, I wonder why his brains directed him to that particular day, at such particular place. He might have been high on something, I guess, or because of the man he was supporting winning, he gained some courage and so it deemed fit to exercise the courage on E.J. poor fellow!! I wish he knew on how by me mentioning such a name had caused inconvenience in that particular article. No, am already wasting space on this confused fellow, allow me go to something else pliz. And some losers have hibernated. True, there are some who I don’t see. Where is pastor kevo? On a mission preaching? Pliz, somebody tell him I miss him. Tell him we are one. I waited for him outside assembly hall on Sunday after church but I dint see him come out. Were u realy in church pasto? Infact I had gone there hopping to be fed chakula cha kiroho by u. I was extremely disappointed when u didn’t preach. I miss u my pastor. I just wish u were muliro. Mathematics taught me that statistics are like bikini, what they reveal is vital but what they conceal is real. There were some vital data that were seen indid during election. The vital thing was that kevo or silas were winning(especially kevo). That people were not going to vote based on their tribes. That according to opinion poll, muliro was a corpse, a walking and a vying one. What statistics concealed was the real thing. Statistics concealed that tribal voting was still rooted in us. Statistics concealed that some tribes will be used us gloves in this boxing match. It concealed that, as usual, like villagers and our brainless national politicians, university students also are primitive in their brain and would align themselves as their national politicians. I wish I were kevo, I could make anybody who ate my money and dint vote for me feed on grass. I just hope nobody who didn’t vote for mutiso ate his money, I pray there isint. Ok, there are some promises made to us during campaign, I hope those who were elected still do remember them. Want later to hear ati sijui dean amekata, the institution has no money and any other childish excuse, u could have consulted befor giving out the promises.. Immediately after swearing in, we want to see u in action. I still do remember ua promises kaberia. Sasa ungoje tu mpaka saa zile unataka kutoka ndio unajifanya ati unakimbiza vitu, sawa? Mr. Treasure, u promised to separate the students money account from tution fee account. Its not a question of when, we want to see u just doing that immediately. Opening an account is less than ten minutes. Let it not take eternity to actualize this pliz. Kalii should start working on student magazine. We didn’t elect u so as ua work to be only pinning posters on notice board, nop. Try to be different from ua predecessors, young man. We are yet to see whether frida will bring back spoons to the mess or she will also become confused, filthy and start shying away from using mess facilities, while hiding from those who voted her. I don’t know if she also promised people dispensers at every floor, but methinks mess spoons is an urgent matter. The election date coincided with the DAY OF THE GIRL CHILD. Its an election that saw many more ladies join the student union office than ever before. Apart from the seat that they have been obvious of getting such as VC and HALL REP, they managed to clinch another one on Saturday!! I salute the lady who trounced the over 3 gentlemen to clinch the assistant secretary general seat. My neighbor here at comp one is whispering to me that the name of that lady is CATE. We hope that cate will work well with KABERIA so as to actualize on the promises they made to us. Cate has to prove to us that never again will the ladies be important only when their holes are needed. Director of education, mr. kulwa, u are now occupying a position that has always been occupied by jokers who knew nothing about it. u were to replace the tired books at the library. I don’t know how u are to do it, but just do what u promised immediately after swearing in, sawa? I suspect if u drink anything apart from tea and soda, so I hope u were sober when dishing such a promise. There is this guy called VITALIS AMIAMI, the security man. U talked of each and every student with his wordrope, online booking and ensure kitchen in collaboration with catering director. Walai u will have to prove that u were not insane vitalis WHEN DISHING SUCH PROMISES. I personally want to see how u will achieve these ambitious promises. Am waiting vitalis. I don’t know whether the ladies’ hostel are also infested with mosquitoes. I think I will have to find out from the men who spend some night there if at all somebody can detect a mosquito bite during the hole pumping. But LEONE, I here u are the runda hostel prefect. Pliz, this is not a request, u will just have to kill these mosquitoes. In fact don’t wait to be sworn in, this is an urgent matter. Just start today pliz. There is these other guy called berbbz, the new entertainment director. U know collo set the bar so high that I doubt whether this guy will achieve to reach. I just want to see how berbbz is going to do it. I have never known the purpose the position of vice chairperson serve. Infact these position was supposed to be labelled vice chairlady then transformed to vice president. I don’t know why its still being refered to as vice chair. All in all, I doubt wether changing of name will make those who annually occupy the seat act in any different manner. Those who have previously occupied this position, apart from overgrowth, sincerely speaking there is nothing they left behind to be remembered with, no change, nothing. They have always left the way they came: empty handed, with only some more KG. but it seems we were this time allitle bit tricky, we ignored the skinny one and brought in the already fleshy lady. I just hope esther will live a legacy, if she indid have brains to do so. Mr president, thanks GOD u are back. U rily performed well when u were the sec gen. u raised the standards so high that am shua kaberia will struggle to achieve. Kaberia is going to struggle indid. But I want u to do me a favor. The favor is this. Don’t relax pliz. Just prove to us that u weren’t doing what u were doing as the sec gen so as to out do KOECH. Let people see u as the hardworking chap u were. By the time I live this place, I want to live knowing luhyas in other different ways from the one I know them for. Pliz muliro, make this possible. Its not good at all for ua people only being known for matters concerning stomach. Set the bar high from where our fast beloved chairman, mr.ALLAN ONYANGO left when he was the chairman, and prayses will not go to u only, but also the luhyas. I do believe that u also clearly know that we had never had a serious person in this position since ALLAN’S tenure came to an end, its ua turn now to hit higher than him. Its ua turn to outdo ua predesesors. GO NOW!!!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 03:24:27 +0000

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