WEDNESDAY WARMTH: SHARING AIBPARC CIRCULAR DT. 05.03.2014 GOVERNING COUNCIL OF AIBPARC HELD ITS EC MEETING IN PUNE ON 02.03.2014 PRIOR TO GOVERNING COUNCIL MEETING, AIBPARC HELD ITS GENERAL BODY MEETING ON 01.03.2014 PENSIONERS AND RETIREES TO HOLD DHARNA BEFORE IBA. ALL INDIA BANK PENSIONERS & RETIREES CONFEDERATION(AIBPARC) C/O. INDIAN BANK OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION 2, GANESH CHANDRA AVENUE, KOLKATA – 700013 Tel: 033 22132429, Mobile: 9830403145 E-mail : aibparc@gmail CIRCULAR NO. 7/14. March 05, 2014. Dear Comrade, Sub : Pune throbs with hectic organisational activities of AIBPARC on 1st & 2nd March, 2014 - AIBPARC to organize Dharna before IBA Office at Mumbai. The first meeting of the Governing Council of AIBPARC for the year 2014 took place in Pune on 2nd March, 2014. Leaders, veterans and activists from different parts of the country assembled in the meeting. The Council took stock of all organisational issues and developments in between the last meeting held in November, 2013 and the present one. The House noted with satisfaction the massively attended Dharna programmes organized by various affiliates and state committees in different parts of the country in the month of January, 2014 to focus before the public and the Government the deprivations of the Bank Retirees. The formation of two new state committees of AIBPARC (Maharastra I and Rajasthan) was noted with satisfaction and the house congratulated the newly elected office-bearers of Kerala State Committee and Vijaya Bank Retired Officers’Association which held their respective conferences with tremendous success in recent times. The council denounced the lackadaisical approach of IBA and Government of India in handling the wage revision talks of the employees and officers of the Bank and requested both the authorities to be more responsive and expeditious in understanding the mood of the workforce which has been well reflected in successive strikes held in recent times. The house discussed at length the various steps initiated by AIBPARC with IBA, Government of India and different components of UFBU to make them more responsive to the burning issues of the pensioners of the Bank. It was also felt that the patience of the elder citizens of the Industry is almost at the last end of tolerance and the organization would have to think in case of necessity the ways and means to display and demonstrate the anxiety and worries of the elder citizens. The house noted with dissatisfaction the unwillingness of Vijaya Bank Authorities to take care of the interest of the remaining resignees who are yet to get the opportunity to opt for 2nd option to pension. When various State High Courts are unequivocally upholding the cause of the resignees, it was the duty and responsibility of the IBA to issue uniform circular to all Banks for accommodating the requests of all such resignees. Since they are being forced to take legal steps to assert their already acknowledged rights, AIBPARC expressed its full sympathy to the cause and assured them of all possible help. At the end of the day, the house was unanimous in making a resolution that day long Dharna programme would be organized in Mumbai preferably before/near the IBA office as on a convenient date to highlight the deprivations to the Bank retirees. The leaders of the newly formed State Committee of Maharastra I were assigned the task of exploring the possibility of implementing the programme at a reasonable date and also to make necessary arrangements for the same. The council recorded its thanks and admiration for our local leaders who made all possible efforts to make the programe a grand success. Special mention was made about Com. P.S. Patki, Vice-President, AIBPARC and Com. R. Sangam, newly elected Secretary of Maharastra I state committee. 2. Massively attended General Meeting at Pune on 1st March, 2014 By 6 p.m. in the afternoon, the “Patrakar Bhavan” Pune was already full and the crowd swelled to the adjourning space of the hall. With the notice of a few days, more than 300 retirees assembled in the hall to hear their leaders. Com. P.S. Patki, Vice-President welcomed al the retirees and also the leaders coming from different parts of the country. He narrated the sequence of events through which the movement of retirees has taken a new shape with new hopes and aspiration in Pune and as a result of better coordination amongst all affiliates, the Maharastra I State Committee (excluding Bidarbha) was declared and accepted by the house. Com. K.B. Chavan of IOB and Com. R. Sangam of BOI were declared as President and Secretary respectively.Com. R.K. Pathak, a known fighter for the cause of resignee employees and officers spoke in the meeting. He briefed the house about the latest position in Vijaya Bank and in other similarly placed Banks in handling the cause of the resignees and also the legal steps which are being contemplated within a few days. He offered special honour to the President and General Secretary of AIBPARC for the consistent support. Com. Suprita Sarkar, Jt. General Secretary observed the elder citizens of the Banking sector belong to that segment who sacrificed their prime days in implementing the poverty amelioration progammes of the nationalized banks in post-nationalisation era and in lieu they definitely deserve a civilized reciprocal gesture from all concerned. Com. K.V. Acharya, President, narrated in detailed the outcome of AIBPARC’s dialogues with different top-level officials of Govt. of India on the issues of pensioners and demanded that a well defined forum for negotiation must be spelt out at the earliest. He observed that the demands are logical and the solutions are well documented and hence to be implemented. Com. S.R. Sengupta, General Secretary, blamed IBA for confusing the issue deliberately. He observed that IBA was negotiating with UFBU, comprising of 9 trade unions; then where is the harm of carrying on dialogue with multiple number of retirees’ organisations? Government of India & IBA, he felt, will commit a grave error if they feel that the retirees are powerless since they cannot resort to strike action. AIBPARC is committed to the cause and will leave no stone unturned to reach the logical conclusion. Com. R. Sangam, newly elected Secretary of the State Unit proposed vote of thanks and the meeting ended with loud claps. Comrades, it is our fervent hope that hectic organisational activities in Pune for 2 successive days will further consolidate the movement of retirees in days to come. We once again convey our sincerest thanks to all activists, leaders and veterans of the city who took enormous pains in making a grand show of organisational strength. With best wishes. SD/- ( S. R. SEN GUPTA ) GENERAL SECRETARY
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 05:32:52 +0000

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