WEDNESNITE...IMGOING OFF THE BEATEN PATH TONIGHT... There lived in a province a certain man who was very rich,powerful and well respected among all who knew him... He owned much land and many servants and was known far and wide for his wisdom... He was known as LORD OF THE MANOR... Every year,the Lord of the manor invited all to partake in a the Great Feast...both the rich and powerful and the poor and the weak... The rich and powerful talked for ages about how showing up at the FEASTwas a marvelous way to incur the Lord of the manors favor.. The poor and weak came just to have a meal worth any it was always crowded in the Lords manor...the poor thought they might sit on the floor for a morsel of food... The rich and powerful were altogether;taking turns boasting among themselves of their accomplishments,which surely entitled the Lords favor... Everyone was given equal seating @the feast.. However,a certain seat of honor was given the Lord,that he might sit in the midst of them... There came a dirty,infirm man to take a seat around the table of the FEAST... MANY,when they saw the poor unwashed infirm man pointed and laughed @him... Others did shake their heads and turned away... As it happened,the LORD was late to the feast.. But it came to pass while all were wondering when the Lord might come and sit in the HONORED SEAT to begin the feast... Just then...the Lord arrived... as a sign of awe and respect,all,when they saw bowed... Thinking the FEAST about to begin,the servant who stood next to his Master,said,Behold Lord shall you take your seat so that the Feast may begin? No...said the Lord for not all are seated .... Many heard this,and were baffled...not knowing what the Lord meant.. Walking in their midst,the Lord met the gaze of everyone there... including... The poor unwashed man with the innfirmed feet... The Lord bid that the man sit before him...the Lord commanded that a wash basin and towels be brought to him...and it was done... In front of all those gathered...the Lord knelt before the man disrobed..and began to wash the poor infirmed man his body,beginning with his feet... Many were agape in their shock..How can this be? That the Lord of the manor would stoop SO LOW... The rich and powerful,all were amazed... The disrobe Lord,turned in their midst and spoke... They. who be exalted shall be abased...and they who be abased shall be exalted... They who want any part of me,Must become a servant to the least of these... Then taking the poor man by the hand, the Lord sat him in the SEAT OF HONOR in their midst... So began the feast...GOODNIGHT LADIES....
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 02:03:25 +0000

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