WEEDS Habits are first cobwebs but eventually become cables - TopicsExpress


WEEDS Habits are first cobwebs but eventually become cables Unwanted and Unwelcome, weeds will grow anywhere. My garden and lawn seems to be their favorite place. They grow through the cracks of a sidewalk or driveway. They even grow right through a blacktop road once it has been abandoned. They need no encouragement; in fact they even grow when you chop them down, poison them and pull them up by the roots. It is a constant battle that requires consistent attention. Let’s talk about weeds in the garden of life and how they offer no hope of anything good. They cannot be ignored. Sin of any sort will cause problems when it is tolerated. When a person is born again his sin, past, present and future is forgiven. That means that the heart condition has been taken care of, but, we must remember that we do not go to heaven because we are good neither do we go to hell because we are evil. When we go to heaven it is because we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and if we go to hell it will be because we have rejected him. After forgiveness there remains a habit condition that will require constant attention. A born again person will hate sin. He will identify, isolate and separate himself from it. It has been said that habits are, at first, cobwebs and eventually they become cables. Strength is developed and so are strong holds. The good news is that there is such a thing as positive strong holds. Good habits develop strong positive character. A healthy garden has no weeds. Not because they won’t grow but because you won’t allow them. A weed steals water and nutrients from the soil, all of which would normally go to other plants. Think about it, an activity that steals time, talent and/or money from something that has potential and profit makes that project or plant worthless. In the beginning weeds don’t appear to be much of a threat but if they are not taken out they will take over. Without opposition the weed will win every time. With determination by a wise gardener - it’s a `no contest’. Weeds Rom. 6:23 – for the wages of sin is death… Have you ever noticed how weeds seem to grow? Crops take time but weeds are never slow Overnight and unexplainably they seem to appear Just turn around twice and suddenly they’re here You can chop them down but they keep coming back A gardener’s guide won’t help – weeds don’t heed the facts They never give up and they grow with amazing speed Getting rid of them is temporary – they won’t accept defeat Weeds in the garden of life are much the same They rear their ugly heads refusing to be tamed The variety is innumerable – too many to count They steal life and leave a garden in doubt A lie is just a weed that hates the truth Deceit needs nothing to bear its evil fruit Weeds of sin will steal, kill and destroy But weeds will fail when truth is deployed In the beginning weeds offer no threat But, in short order, they take all they can get They produce nothing and offer no substance If ignored, worthy plants will have no chance How do you deal with such a pestilent enemy You must go to the roots if you expect a victory Never give up – declare your full intention Winning this battle demands complete attention R.L. BRUEMMER SR.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 02:00:17 +0000

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