WEEK 1 — OUTLINE The Central Thought of God Scripture Reading: - TopicsExpress


WEEK 1 — OUTLINE The Central Thought of God Scripture Reading: Gen. 1:26; 2:7-10, 18-25; Rev. 22:1-2; 21:2, 9-10, 18-21 DAY 1 I. Gods desire and purpose is to have a corporate man to express Him in His image and to represent Him with His authority; in order for man to express God and represent God, he must have God as his life, signified by the tree of life (Gen. 1:26; 2:8-9; Rom. 8:28-29; 2 Cor. 3:16-18; Rom. 5:10, 17, 21; 16:20). DAY 2 II. The revelation concerning the garden of Eden, as the beginning of the divine revelation in the Holy Scriptures, and the revelation concerning the New Jerusalem, as the ending of the divine revelation in the Holy Scriptures, reflect each other; what is revealed in these two parts of the Scriptures is the central thought of God, the central line of the divine revelation, and a controlling principle of the interpreting and understanding of the Holy Scriptures: A. Genesis 1 and 2 are the blueprint of Gods organic architectural plan to have His divine building (Heb. 11:10; 1 Cor. 3:9). B. Genesis 3 through Revelation 20 are the building process. C. Revelation 21 and 22 are the photograph of the finished building, the corporate expression of the Triune God. DAY 3 III. Genesis 1—2 and Revelation 21—22 both contain four organic items, showing the procedures God takes to fulfill His purpose: A. The tree of life as the center of Gods eternal economy typifies Christ, the embodiment of the Triune God, to be life and the life supply to the tripartite man as a vessel for the corporate expression of God—this is the central thought of God (Gen. 2:7-9; Rev. 22:2; cf. Gen. 3:24; Ezek. 1:28; 1 Cor. 1:30; Eph. 3:10; Rev. 21:19-20): 1. “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:4-5). 2. “I am...the life” (14:6; cf. 15:5). 3. “I have come that they may have life and may have it abundantly” (10:10b). 4. “Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (12:24).
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 07:28:22 +0000

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