WEEK 4 POWER RANKINGS Well, another week has gone by. A few of - TopicsExpress


WEEK 4 POWER RANKINGS Well, another week has gone by. A few of the games this week were surprisingly close (although NJAIM was probably just playing with their food before eating eat), but in the end common sense prevailed. Never thought we’d say that about this league. 1. BUBBA’S (5-0): After a successful inning behind the plate, Elie Mann begins to remove his mask and catcher’s gear. Instinctively, angry Rabbi from Aron’s wedding immediately tackles him to the ground. 2. NJAIM (6-1): After back to back NJAIM wins (including a shutout and the first half of last night’s game, the time at which this line was written), Yitz begins to wonder why Jason is not informing him of any upcoming games, or answering his calls, texts or emails – or, as he’s come to call it, giving him the Marv treatment. 3. WESTROCK (3-2): With the starting pitcher unavailable, Lazer Unger gets the call Sunday night. He immerses himself deep in the game plan, and – being as he is from the Anshy school of pitching – feels the need to tell everyone about it. 4. NEWDAY (4-0): Far from being a benevolent and loving commissioner, Marv once again schedules them for a non-family friendly game on Lag Ba’omer night. He knows they can’t complain about it again, being that Ezzy sold his soul for a few wins. 5. MEROCKDIM (2-3): Team is once again having trouble fielding a starting lineup. “How do you feel about dumping me now?” cackles an evil, oddly familiar voice, which sounds like it’s buried deep in Newday’s outfield. 6. MAJOR ENERGY (2-4): We’d love to give an update on how they’re doing, but they seem to have fallen off the face of the earth, perhaps into the Meadowland swamps. Maybe they should’ve invested in $600 Cleats Guy, or even Knows-Where-the-Field-is Guy. 7. SUBABA (3-2): Gave up 19 runs this week. Didn’t score a single one themselves – didn’t even come close. Got utterly embarrassed. And yet somehow still infinitesimally better than last year. 8. EVERGREEN (2-4): The entirely league secretly hates NJAIM, but only Evergreen’s catcher has the guts to actually do something about it. 9. VALUCLEAN (1-5): Speaking of things we never thought we’d say about the league, pretty much everyone just wants to go over to Ushy and give him a big hug right now. 10. ROCKLAND’S WC (2-4): Lose game on a walk-off “leaving the base early”, which isn’t really fair because the poor guy was just trying to run away from Zevi Simonovits. 11. CHEFMAN (0-5): A quarter of the way through the season and still nobody knows what Chefman is, but based on who’s been playing for them we’re going to assume it’s some kind of kiddy-care center. Pinny Kahana Mordy Kahana Pace Sorscher Ben Friedman Shragi Lazarus Nesanel Moeller Aron Schwartz Levi Blachman Mendy-Aviva Halpert Avi n Mazal Stern Mo Stern Jason Kay Jason Shatkin Nesanel Benjamin Jerry Frenkel Menachem Reiser Eli Gilden Shmulie Sontag Abraham Schwartz Josh I. Reiser Estee Rosenberg Reiser John Reiser Chaim Heinemann Azi Wolf AJ Shatkin Moshe Braun Yitzi Wainhaus Josh Silverberg Daniel Ozeri
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 12:39:48 +0000

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