WEEK 7 (4) Good Afternoon to all of you!!!! I think its time - TopicsExpress


WEEK 7 (4) Good Afternoon to all of you!!!! I think its time to quiz ya on a few things. No no no.....you dont have to get out a piece of paper and pencil....and ya dont have to bring WingMom Sheri a vase of flowers or me, Wingmom Terry, a shiny red apple, BUT......we do need ya to make sure you KNOW the answers to these questions!!! No peekin off each others answer sheets AND no contactin your Trainee! ;) (WHO WANTS TO?) Lets begin....... 1) What day is the FIRST DAY of Graduation Weekend festivities? Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Thursday? 2) What time is the FIRST orientation on Thursday? 7am, 8am, 9am, 1 minute past Midnight because I cant sleep? 3) What shall I bring with me to get ON BASE to see my Trainees Graduation events? My flip flops, my sunglasses because I look cool inm and could pass as Tom Cruise, my Base Pass along with all the maps and schedule, my valid Military ID, or my first born? 4) What time/day is the Airmans Run? 9am Friday, 8am Thursday, Im not sure because that time is not even on my alarm clock, or when everyone tells me to get there? 5) Where will the Airmans Run be held? At the zoo, behind the Reception Center shown on the AF WingMoms handy dandy map, in Washington DC, or on the Runway at the airport? 6) What should you wear to the Airmans Run/Coin Ceremony? Pajamas, a bikini because its hot and I miss my boyfriend, something casual yet classy to represent my Trainee, or none of the above (GASP!)? 7) What time/day is the Coin Ceremony? NOON on Friday, quarter past 5am Saturday, 10:45am Thursday, or which bank am I supposed to go to again? 8) Which Trainees get TOWN PASS on Thursday? None of them because its BASE PASS only that day, all of them, whats Town Pass, or only those that completed the 1 Million Mile Race last Saturday? 9) What time should I get to the Base Gates so I wont be late to any of the functions? Noon because I need my beauty sleep, 2AM, I was gonna camp out at the front gate parking lot, or 5-6AM because I dont wanna miss a thing, theres gonna be traffic lines a mile long and my Base Pass is gonna be tattooed on my forehead so I dont forget it? 10) What time/day is the Graduation Parade and where is it? Sunday afternoon before we head home right past the Gate entrance exits, next year on 4th of July at the Dorm, or Friday at 9am at the Parade Grounds and I need to get to the shuttle on Base to board the bus to the parade area before 7:15am, or sometime next week but not sure where. 11) When is the dorm tour? Saturday after lunch, Friday after the Graduation Parade and I am reallllllly goin to concentrate on not stepping on any threshold while makin my Airman proud, next Tuesday, or sometime this Fall? 12) Will I get to meet my Trainees MTI? No...hes goin on another vacation to Nevernever Land after this Group, I think so but I havent bought my ticket, YES and Im goin to be respectful, thank him/her, and ask HOW IN THE WORLD THEY MADE MY AIRMEN into one of the finest, or No Im scared of what theyll make me do!? 13) What time should my Airman be back to the Dorm in the evening? When the MTI instructs my Airman (which is normally 8pm) and I will make sure he is there a half hour early to avoid any excuses because LATE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! No other answer!!!, whenever I feel like gettin my Airman back, right after the movie ends, or I aint takin mine back!? 14) What will I do after I say See ya later alligator and drop off my Airman in the evening? Whatever the schedule says to do, either visit with friends I met here on AF WingMoms and relax after a fun, exciting, long day....or go back to my room and play over in my mind how awesome the day was seein my Airman, or cry my eyes out because I wont see my Airman again for another 8.5 weeks because he/she did something unacceptable and is bein recycled? 15) What rules should I pay VERY CLOSE attention to while entering, ON, and exiting Base? Rules shmools who needsm, EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE OFM! Theyre serious! Im goin to drive UNDER the speed limit because I heard they give speeding tickets for going 1mph OVER....and I will make a complete STOP at all stop signs bein careful not to give anyone whiplash in my vehicle....and goin to use my turn signals like I did when I drove in front of the Drivers License official because thats exactly what I always do anyway....OR I plan to drive crazy like I always do when Im eatin a Taco Bell pizza and drivin with my knees while gramma will be tied to the roof like on National Lampoon Vacation and fend for me if I get pulled over? 16) Will your Airman have Base Pass on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday? YES because our TRS/FLT is an Honor Flight, YES because my Airman is an Honor graduate, Friday and Saturday for sure but not sure about Sunday yet because I havent heard what their TRS/FLT did, or I will ask my Airman what his/her MTI told them and make plans accordingly? 17) Can I take pictures while I am there, share my photos here, and tag my Airman in the pics? No and Im going to leave my camera in the car, YES but I know not to tag my Airman for safety reasons, Yes but I will have to develop my film first then get a copy made and then figure out how to post it and write on the faces WHO everyone is, or NO because I forgot to put fresh batteries in my camera and I didnt get any pictures? 18) FREE ((HUG))! 19) Are you allowed to bring binoculars, a hankie, a black umbrella, sunscreen, bottled water, a banner, a camera, a lint brush, a Tide pen for accidental stains, sunglasses, a neck cooly thing, and anything else my TRS/FLT Group Admins said were allowed? YES TO ALL, YES TO ALL, or YES TO ALL? 20) Who loves the AF WingMoms page and cant wait to see their Airman? Me, me, me, or ME! THIS COMPLETES YOUR QUIZ! GOOD LUCK TO ALL! Please note your answers or questions making sure to mention your TRS/FLT below LOUD N PROUD! -Wingmom Terry :) ✈️💖✈️💖✈️💖✈️💖✈️
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 18:57:57 +0000

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