WEEK OF DECEMBER 1 - The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on Dec - TopicsExpress


WEEK OF DECEMBER 1 - The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on Dec 6, creates an intense vortex of mental emotion as you seek to bend and stretch your intelligence so as to hold two (or more) approaches to the issue you confront. Are you experiencing breakthroughs in perception that at times are unnerving and other times inspiring? This is a Mercurial Full Moon once again inviting mental flexibility — the psychic space to change your mind. This particular Full Moon can be flexible providing you with that extra emotional and mental edge. Aries - This weeks Full Moon on DEC 6 indicates a time of deep, expressive emotion. Letting others know where you stand is a significant at this time as emphasis is placed on communication. Also, a good time to do some therapeutic traveling. Taurus - As Christmas draws closer, caution should be taken with money matters. Though you prefer only the best, it would be wise to cut a few corners. Your tendency to over spend is magnified by the Full Moon in your money house. Gemini - As the Full Moon takes place in your own sign, the limelight is on you as others are drawn to your aura. A great week to take advantage of the energy that works itself from the inside out. Cancer - This week you have a strong need to clean house, literally as well as figuratively speaking. This weeks Full Moon signifies change only for the better, a good week to just let go of situations or emotions that have held you back. Leo- You’re in your element this week as this weeks Full Moon brings to light your child like qualities. A romantic at heart, friendly with those that remain close, this is your week to surrender, have fun and reconnect. Virgo - This weeks Full Moon at the zenith part of your chart may cause you to become less tolerant with work matters as your cup begins to overflow. In addition, you may feel a sudden compulsion to clean or reorganize your house. Better to just coast, then stir up the pot. Libra - A good week to put your thinking cap on as the Full Moon in your area of higher aspirations may cause you to seek out. Also, as you are a romantic at heart, this week signifies your need to become more serious as well as grounded. Also, a significant week for dealing with pressures that have left you burned out. Scorpio - Your pocket book is the key this week, as your financial juices are a focal point. You may find yourself suddenly bit more on the lucky side as the planets in transit, specifically the Full Moon favor you. However, pay attention to investments, be clear with agreements as well..] Sagittarius - Love matters seem to be the highlight this week as importance is placed on matters of the heart. Also, be well aware that this time signifies a period for you to focus on yourself for a change as opposed to being there for everyone else. Nonetheless, youre in a lucky zone this week. So pay attention to the signals.. Capricorn - Time to get ready for health, & fitness as your need to shape up and bring it all together should be a primary goal. Also, a personal mishap, may be corrected by just a few minor steps. Not to worry, it will all come together by mid- December. Aquarius - You may find that you are a bit overwhelmed with family, friends and work as you seek to make everyone else happy. This is a time to relax and take it all in, know that whatever you do will never be enough. So, focus on doing what you can. Also, money matters look positive for the next few months. Pisces - You may find that this week is your week to nest with family and friends. Also, a good strong cycle for getting rid of things and people that have left you drained. Time to do some cleaning up. The year ahead holds true to your ability to overcome any major obstacles.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:16:51 +0000

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