WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY DAY 7 - TOGETHER...WE BELONG TO CHRIST (1 Cor 1: 12-13) Recognising and rejoicing in the gifts of different church traditions is a step towards Christian unity. YOU • What shows that you belong to Christ? • How does the phrase “I belong to Christ” divide Christians rather than unite them? THE WORD - Readings Isaiah 19: 19-25 “he [God] will send them a saviour…” Psalm 139: 1-12 “Where can I go from your spirit?” 1 Corinthians 12: 12-26 “If one member suffers...” Mark 9: 38-41 “Whoever is not against us is for us.” Points to consider • Christian unity is part of God’s plan for the unity of the cosmos. • Recognising the gifts of various church traditions compels us towards visible unity. • Paul tells us that all who call on the name of the Lord are with us in Christ. Reflection It is too small to presume one Church! It is too small to presume one World! The whole Creation is the canvas on which God paints a purpose of unity and peace. All the more then the sadness of traditions held at the expense of togetherness. One body, biblically: broken by us, tragically. THE WORLD - Pray We give you thanks, O God, that you bless every member of the body of Christ with the gifts of your Spirit. Help us to rejoice in the gifts of our various church traditions and to work for the unity of all who call upon Jesus as Lord. Amen. Go and Do • Consider climate change and the effect it is having on people’s lives all over the world. What can you do to make a difference?
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 13:09:04 +0000

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