WEEK TWO, CURE TWO: INTUITIVE HEALING SESSION BEWARE... it is a long posting so make yourself a cup of anti-oxidizing green tea and settle in before reading... Upon embarking on the 52 Cancer Cures in 52 Weeks project, a great group of gals at work (you know who you are!) decided to pool some funds and book an appointment with an INTUITIVE HEALER named June Graham based in Napanee. But the day of healing didnt stop there~ dinner with the gals was also included! As promised in my 52 in 52 Pledge, I would do my best to suspend disbelief and opt into suggested treatment paths with an open mind and open heart. Opening my mind to intuitive healing was a bit more difficult than opening my mind to the potential benefits of last weeks miracle cure, turmeric. But it certainly wasnt going to hurt or make me grow another tumour, so why not? What is intuitive healing? Some believe it is an alternative approach to overall better health wherein the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of life are healed through such things as: *reiki/therapeutic touch; *inner child healing (to get in touch with and resolve issues stemming from traumatic childhood experiences); *past life integration (to resolve issues carried over from a past life that are impacting the health and wellness of this one); *spiritual life coaching to incorporate new habits and activities into ones life; *medical intuition (resolving the mental, emotional and spiritual connections to disease in order to improve physical health); *psychic readings (depending on the intuitive healer, readings of angel spirit guides, clairvoyance, aura/chakra readings, channeling spirits and psycometry- reading information from a physical object); *ascension healing- (to be imbued with Christ energy to become one with the One); *DNA activation- so that we can utilize more of our DNA, much like using more of our brain; *dismantling karma (to rid this life of karmic carry over from the last life) and; *guided imagery/meditation My two-hour session was a medical intuition appointment where June received her information from this universe and others in order to readjust my chakras, encapsulate my lungs, liver, and spleen in order to protect them, and to readjust my base (5th chakra). She also tapped into my previous lives (6 of them) and future lives (3 of them) and provided me with a reflexology session at the end of the appointment. Here is my very unique experience~ oddness, tears, itchy feet and all: The appointment began with June asking me why I came to see her. I was honest in my answer that my appointment was a gift and that this was not something I would book for myself. I admitted my skepticism but informed her that I would answer questions truthfully and approach the session openly. She asked about my medical history and took time to write things down. I joked that it would take some time and I rattled off the surgeries, scans and shots. We then covered my family health history, especially the maternal line, as it was explained to me that my mothers psychic energy and past life experiences etc would have been passed through the umbilicus during her pregnancy with me. She then proceeded to remove a variety of books from her shelf including a book of vitamins and minerals, a thin book about brain function and a book about anatomy. Her hands scanned the pages of each book much like you would see someone do if speed reading. She mumbled numbers and words out loud and proceeded to flip through the pages, consulting with the alternate universe about the source of my illness and what is preventing my body from healing itself. She was making odd movements with her hands, a bit jerky as if she had a tick disorder, as she continued muttering a series of numbers, yeses and nos, names of supplements and body parts. She wrote down a list of things as the answers came to her. We then proceeded through the list and she addressed each deficit or problem area by psychically adjusting my energy flow and chakras and psychically bombarding my system with 80 pills of chlorella (the basis of all plant life, and thus all life) and filling my lungs with Hallelujahs to fill me with joy. It was interesting watching her work. Many times I wanted to interject to ask her what she was doing or to make sense of what she said. But each time I stopped myself to let her work uninterrupted. I also had to curb my skepticism a number of times by continually reminding myself of my vow to myself and to you that I would honour all of the treatments I undertook. To do this I watched her intently and realized that I did not question her sincerity. June truly believed that she was helping to heal me, to bring me comfort and strength for whatever lies ahead, and to balance my mental, emotional and spiritual planes in order to provide a strong foundation for my physical health. Never once did she try to sell me anything, including future visits. And despite booking a 1.5 hour session, it continued for 2 full hours with no feeling of rush and no extra charge. No promise was made to cure me nor was there any pressure to eschew Western medicine. In order to further strengthen my suspension of disbelief, I let my thoughts wander to the friends who financed, set up, and supported my visit with June. It took thought, care, bucks and coordination to do so. I promised to honour the suggestions given to me, and this suggestion was delivered to me on a silver platter! Thus, I owed it to them and to myself to make my appointment with June a genuine attempt to heal myself. By accepting the gift of my friends and the sincerity of Junes work, I let go and allowed her healing energy to rewire my karma and balance my chakras. My yellow-orange 5th chakra became a healing purple, along with the rest of my chakras which are apparently well-balanced. My lungs, kidney, liver and heart were psychically protected from disease and pain. And my body was psychically provided with the spiritual nutrients it needs to fight off disease. Despite my personal beliefs about the things listed above, I welcome them in the spirit in which they were given- in love and hope and care. I felt at ease and was enjoying myself, especially when she filled my lungs with 8 Halleluliahs. I could not help but smile knowing that she worked to psychically stuff me full of joy. At this point she proceeded to tell me that disease is able to continue due to unresolved feelings of guilt, sadness, hopelessness and feelings of punishment. We then reviewed these feelings together. Here is what I said when she asked me about the unresolved emotional baggage she intuitively felt that I was carrying. When asked about guilt and punishment, I could quickly identify that these were not my concern. Never had I felt that my cancer was some sort of cosmic or Godly punishment for something I have done or have left undone. I live my life well and with consideration for others, the earth and animals to the best of my ability. And when I screw up, which I inevitably do, I try my best to own my mistakes, maintain my humility, make restitution and forgive myself for being all too human. When asked about hopelessness and sadness, I admitted to both. Living with cancer for nearly 8 years can leave the toughest of us emotionally exhausted and seriously questioning the quality and quantity of life we have left. I told June that my emotions spanned the full spectrum of hope to hopelessness, happy to sadness and back again. I think this is normal, and even healthy, when trying to navigate a life that includes terminal illness. We then revisited guilt. And interestingly enough we touched on something. She intuitively sensed that I was feeling guilty for being sick, and that I might die, and the impact this would have on my family and friends. She felt that I kept up appearances and worried about the feelings of others more than I worried about my own health. I admitted that this was true, but I would not define it as a feeling of guilt, but rather a profound sense of sadness and loss. I was sorry. Not in a personal sense, but in a grander sense that comes with knowing that with great love comes great suffering. Like all cancer survivors, we see the impact that our illness has on others: My dear son Matt, only 14 when I was diagnosed, has had to live through his teenage years, and now his college experience, with the dark cloud of cancer hanging over his head. My dear partner John has had to take time from his career and his PhD studies to care for me as I recuperate from surgeries, sleep like a log after monthly injections, attend a multitude of appointments, and await results stemming from one test/scan after another, then after another, then after another. And due to his status as self-employed or as a volunteer with Medicines Sans Frontiers or as a status, there is no such thing as paid compassionate leave. Cancer is an expensive disease for anyone and it has certainly impacted our pocketbook. My dear parents, Pat and Ron who have had to withstand the horrors of seeing their only daughter and eldest child so very ill. I can only imagine how difficult this journey has been for them. In fact, I think it has probably been harder for them than it has for myself. I can say this with some certainty as I have a son of my own and I know I can cope with my own illness better than I could if Matt became as sick as I am. Is there really anything worse than having ones child become desperately ill? And of course my dear brother and my extended family and all of my wonderful friends who have supported me over nearly 8 years of sequential bad news. And my SJW colleagues who have to pull my weight when I have been on medical leave. And my beautiful students and their families who think more of my health and wellness than the inconvenience my illness causes themselves. Guilt? Not exactly. But something close to it. I cannot think of an English word that can adequately describe it. If anyone knows a term for this, please let me know. And then, Lo! It hit me. It is not that I hadnt thought of it before. Actually, it has been on the forefront of my mind many many times. The real guilt, the real deep and profound sense of sadness and loss and grief is the all-too-real possibility that I will not be able to care for my parents as they age. I tapped on her desk and spoke this fear/guilt/grief/sadness out loud. I put it into words. The tears started to flow. It was not a scene of waterworks and ugly cry complete with snot and slobbery sobbing. It was silent tears that fell in a steady streams down both cheeks. And the flow would not be stemmed. It physically hurts to think of my parents to be without me as they age. Who will take care of them if not me? It has never been spoken but always assumed, by me and my family, that it would be me who would care for my mom and dad as they age. And it never felt like a burden. In fact, I would be happy to do it. It is an honour and a privilege to care for them. I looked forward to it and I dare say I would have been very very good at it. It would have been done with the happiest of hearts. So, there is was, in all its past-tense glory. I wont be taking care of my mom and dad and for that I am truly sorry. And so I cried and kept crying with no end in sight. The tears wouldnt stop. And then June spoke, telling me that this worry was not helpful, that we do not know in fact that I will not be able to care for them, and that in the event that I am indeed unable, my parents will be well taken care of by all those who love them. This truth did bring me relief, but the tears did not stop. She resumed her cosmic, psychic adjustments but still the tears flowed. She continued again, but nope, no dice. She muttered and moved her hands and sent all sorts of healing, balancing energies my way, but still the tears kept falling. At this point she began a hands-on (one hand on my forehead the other on the back of my head) guided imagery session. June asked me to imagine myself with my parents, and there we were sitting on the rocky beach in Cow Bay, Nova Scotia looking out onto the rough waves of the sea on a grey, blustery east coast day. I have used this beach image many times during painful procedures in the past to help me work through the pain. I told her my vision and the tears continued. Imagine something fun in the scene, she said. And there he was, a kid flying a kite on the beach. Mom, Dad and I still sitting there, me about 8 years old, looking out, tightly holding hands and seeing the kite thinking hes having fun but feeling frustrated that we couldnt. I told her my vision and the tears continued. Imagine yourself doing something fun with your parents, she said. And there we were. Dad and I were poking around in a tidal pool. He was taking photos and I was picking up periwinkles. I was at once an 8 year old girl and a 41 year old woman. I told her my vision and the tears were starting to cease, but not entirely. Are you having fun? she asked. Yes, this is how we have fun. We like to explore life. Where is your mom? What is she doing? she asked. I told June that Mom was still sitting on the beach watching us, looking at the waves (now rolling and cresting with white foam) and the sun is on her face and the wind is whipping her hair around. She has a sort of smile on her face. Does she want to join you? she asked. No, she needs to relax and have some time to herself. With my eyes closed, I looked back at my Mom and saw her content and at ease, not rushed or busy looking after others. My mom deserves a break and shes getting one. And I smiled at that thought. No more tears. Perhaps it was her intuitive healing hands that helped. Perhaps it was the other universe and my past and future lives that we tapped into. Perhaps it was the balanced chakras and rewired karma and all the chlorella and hallelujahs. But I felt a great relief and a sense of peace that comes with unburdening oneself. Personally I believe that the benefit of the session is in something more logical and in line with modern psychiatry/psychology talk-therapy. Having someone who is not invested, not judgmental and not obligated to listen sit there and listen to me blubber did wonders for my mental health. In short, I felt better leaving the office of an intuitive healer than I ever felt leaving a cancer clinic. Once I was smiling, I felt a surge of energy and wellbeing. And thats when the freakiness happened (as if the rest of the story wasnt freaky enough). June offered to do a reflexology session and I obliged by offering her my cold and clammy feet (which are normally hot and dry). She began pulling my toes, rolling each of them between her fingers. She massaged around the ankle bones and tracked her thumbs along lines on the soles of my feet. My toes started to tingle and then began to itch. And I dont mean a teensy-weensy bit. I mean it felt like I had walked through stinging nettle! I had to get up off the massage table and scratch/scrap my feet along the berber carpet in an attempt to relieve the burning itch. And it wouldnt stop. In fact it continued for nearly a day after. June says that this is due to the toxins (psychic toxins) leaving my system. Whether toxins or not, it was truly bizarre and I cannot account for it. So, where do things stand for week number two? Well, I will be following Junes advice: Drink plenty of water... 2L per day to flush the toxins from my body. Get sunshine/outdoor time daily for sun energy. Get a good sleep each night to tap into the energy of the darkness/moon. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, with no raw fruit after noon and only soft cooked food well before bedtime. Feed myself spiritually. Let others take care of me and stop worrying about protecting others so much. Be spontaneous, even if that means laying around in bed all day, it doesnt mean the day is wasted. All pretty good advice, but harder to follow than youd think. I will let you know how a week of following the advice of an intuitive healer goes on Tuesday, which will be a week since I saw her. Therefore, my next Miracle cure challenge will begin on Tuesday October 21st. In the meantime, I did book another appointment with June on November 4th and I will inform you of its outcome as well. Peace, love and all things groovy. Laurie
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 02:17:42 +0000

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