WEEKEND WATCH 50: ‘The Inevitable Collapse of the Welfare State - TopicsExpress


WEEKEND WATCH 50: ‘The Inevitable Collapse of the Welfare State -Tom G. Palmer A welfare state is one in which the state assumes the responsibility of the well-being of its citizens. The state thus, attempts to provide certain basic amenities to its citizens, such as education, housing and healthcare. Nearly all states today, to varying degrees, are welfare states. How can anyone be against an ideal so noble? Do not all citizens have the right to a basic, decent standard of living? Is it not the responsibility of the state to guarantee this? In this talk, Tom Palmer addresses these questions. He traces the roots of the welfare state to German Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck; who put in place the welfare state to secure the loyalty and obedience of the people. In its modern form and in its evolution during the course of the last century, the welfare state remains a political system to earn the loyalty and faith of the people. The welfare states in the USA and Europe, Palmer observes, are financially broke and fast approaching collapse. The state simply does not have the resources to meet all of its financial obligations. All of this is leading to inflation, growing taxes, unemployment and is hurting the economies of welfare states. There are alternatives to the welfare state, and it is time we started looking at the alternatives. The alternatives lie in civil society; in self-help groups, charities and voluntary associations. Not only are these alternatives far more sustainable, they are also, as Palmer points out, far more just. Tom G. Palmer is the executive vice president for international programs at the Atlas Network. He is also a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and director of Cato University. Before joining Cato he was an H. B. Earhart Fellow at Hertford College, Oxford University, and a vice president of the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University. He is the author of Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice (expanded edition 2014), and the editor of The Morality of Capitalism (2011), After the Welfare State (2012), Why Liberty (2013), and Peace, Love & Liberty (2014). Palmer received his B.A. in liberal arts from St. Johns College in Annapolis, Maryland, his M.A. in philosophy from The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., and his doctorate in politics from Oxford University. goo.gl/xVcnqU
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 16:39:08 +0000

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