WEEKLY SLAP! This is an excerpt from one of my mentors that I had - TopicsExpress


WEEKLY SLAP! This is an excerpt from one of my mentors that I had the great fortune of meeting many years ago. Oh how I wish we had camera phones back then. Enjoy! THE FIRST STEP TO GETTING BETTER RESULTS by Jim Rohn How dramatically we can change our results is largely a function of imagination. In 1960, it was a technological impossibility for man to travel into outer space. Within ten years, however, the first man stepped out onto the surface of the moon. The miraculous process of converting the dream into reality began when one voice challenged the scientific community to do whatever was necessary to see to it that America places a man on the moon by the end of this decade. That challenge awakened the spirit of a nation by planting the seed of possible future achievement into the fertile soil of imagination. With that one bold challenge the impossible became a reality. - THE SAME PRINCIPLE APPLIES TO EVERY OTHER AREA OF OUR LIFE! - Can a poor person become wealthy? Of course! The unique combination of desire, planning, effort and perseverance will always work its magic. The question is not whether the formula for success will work, but rather whether the person will work the formula. That is the unknown variable. That is the challenge that confronts us all. We can all go from wherever we are to wherever we want to be. No dream is impossible provided we first have the courage to believe in it. To Your Success, Jim Rohn The road will be difficult, the obstacles great and there will be people to discourage you. Belief in yourself is the first step! Once you believe, none of what I just mentioned matters because it is what is in YOUR heart that counts. Everything else is just that, everything else. I hope that you take some time and take inventory of yourself and understand that you were meant for greatness! I believe in you! Have a blessed and prosperous weekend.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 00:54:21 +0000

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