WEEPING, GNASHING OF TEETH AND WAILING FROM HELL Many voices from beneath the earth- the place of unquenchable fire burning with brimstone, voices whispering to mankind in anguish saying, escape for your soul, dont make same mistakes we made while alive, dont be deceived and come to this other end, now our days of opportunity to be saved are over! Yet, man is deaf to these wailing, gnashing of teeth and unending weeping from people who are already in Hell. A fate already sealed! Despite these messages/warnings coming from God concerning the end, man in his heart, has purposed to remain stubborn/disobedient and of a hardened heart. People, you need to understand that you have a soul- a breath of the Most High God, and it is expected to return to the Creator someday and soon! It definitely and inevitably will return to the Creator, after which it shall appear before the judgement seat of Christ. What exactly will you tell Jesus then if you refuse to accept Him as personal Lord and Saviour today? Excuses such as; Lord I never heard the Gospel, or lay the blame on your friends and relatives for being responsible for your fate- eternal condemnation in Hell? How I wish God open the spiritual ears/eyes of mankind to hear agonizing words from Hell, and see the destruction headed our planet earth targeted at destroying sinners from the face of the earth- Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. (Isaiah 13:9 KJV). Its only when you perfectly understand the above Bible passage that you can understand how I feel in my spirit concerning the unsaved souls who goes about their daily activities thinking and hoping that all is well with them. If you understand properly the descriptions given by the Holy Bible about Hell fire, you would forsake your recreational/sports activities, forsake spending your leisure time for idleness, stop being concerned about earthly wealth/riches which profits nothing, and begin to think on how to rescue at least a soul from going to Hell. Stop and ponder on the word; ETERNITY. You will have the same burden as myself for the lost souls if you can catch a revelation of the meaning of this eight-letter word; ETERNITY. Oh God please, dont allow Satan do this EVERLASTING damage to mankind! Lord Jesus, stretch out your hands and rescue mankind from Hell, a place brought about by the enemy. Lord please, open the eyes/ears of your people to understand the time we are into, in Jesus name. Have a glorious Sunday everyone. Shalom.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 17:31:41 +0000

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