WEIGHTS The book of Leviticus sees holiness expressed not only - TopicsExpress


WEIGHTS The book of Leviticus sees holiness expressed not only in terms of ritual and sacrifice, but also in terms of simply doing the right thing. This chapter begins with a call to holiness and ends with telling people to make sure their scales are accurate! Stealing can be subtle. Just tip the scales in your favor; shave a penny or two off a worker’s pay; add some extras to the bill, make the packaging a bit fatter; or make the filling a bit thinner. The Bible condemns dishonest measures (Proverbs 20.23; Hosea 12.7,8; Amos 8.5; Micah 6.10,11). It’s cheating; it’s wrong. Sadly, the poor suffer most from dishonest practices since they cannot afford to fight these injustices in court. Fair trade means trading fairly with people. It means that business ethics should be ethical. It means everyone working according to the same set of measurements. When, if ever, have you been the victim of “dishonest” scales? What happened as a result? The priests were supposed to check that the scales were accurate (Exodus 30.13,24). What does that say about the role the church can play in seeing that fairness is done? If you work in an office, what is the mission statement of your business? If you are in a position to do so, how do you ensure that your business practices are ethical? Even if you’re not a manager, how can you lead by example? Pray: Lord, set a guard over my heart and mind. Make me ever watchful of the way I treat others. Leviticus 19:35-37 KJV Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure. Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have: I am the Lord your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt. Therefore shall ye observe all my statutes, and all my judgments, and do them: I am the Lord .
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 18:16:46 +0000

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