WELCOME TO 2015: THE YEAR OF OUR NATIONAL REDISCOVERY.... Well, I had to wait for Mr. President to address us as a nation before I come up with mine in line with living up to the reputation Ive earned over time. Just as Ive been doing in the last three years, I will be coming up with an alternative new year broadcast of mine. Indulge me as I will like to assume to role of Mr. President. Fellow Nigerians, I come before you today to address us as a nation and never being unmindful of the state of our nation. Trust me, this is not an easy task for me but it is obligatory because as a Leader, I should not represent and send out message of despair, but HOPE. There is no mild way to put it, 2014 was a difficult year in our march towards nationhood, and this forms the action of my administration to usher in the new year with no fanfare. 2014 was a year we sustained the growth and development of our economy and infrastructure, but such laudable feat and achievements were drowned in the ocean of fear, despondency, insecurity, and grief. Nigerians, Im aware of the dystopia-like state of the affairs of our nation. I appreciate the loss of faith in my administration. I see and feel your demonstration of apathy. It is understandable and as a government, it is our responsibility to inspire nationalism, patriotism and hope. The state of insecurity in the country is alarming and worrisome. The loss of lives, especially children is disheartening, and the loss of a part of our sovereignty is a huge embarrassment. As we speak, the fate of the abducted school girls in Chibok is uncertain. Parents and guardians in Yobe, Adamawa, Kano, Borno, Niger, Kaduna and Gombe have had to bury their future...their kids and as a parent, I appreciate their grief and I can only imagine their loss. Our geographical area is now a subject of redefinition by insurgency as twenty local government or areas are now under command and control of the insurgents. I must confess that 2014 was a year of more tales of woes than good tidings. 2014 was a year the essence of our peaceful co-existence was threatened. A year which as a nation we were at war with enemies... A war fought by enemies from within. A year we are glad is gone, but this is not to say those challenges didnt cross into 2015 with us. Fellow Nigerians, I welcome you to 2015, a year of our national rediscovery. To assure Nigerians that it is our year of national rediscovery, the activities, policies, and standpoint of my administration will depicts such. To restate my administrations believe and underline my commitment to our national rediscovery, I will start by acknowledging the plight of the 54 condemned soldiers and more by different Court Martial and I have directed the Attorney-General of the Federation, the National Security Adviser, the Chief of Defense Staff and the Judge Advocate General to review those cases. We can not afford to kill our soldiers. This will not only destroy what is left of the morale and the will of the rank and file to rise up to their statutory duty of defending the sovereignty of our dear nation, we will not be any different from the enemy killing them on the battle field. I must also commend the men, my soldiers in the 7 Special Army Division in Borno, you are the nations last line of defense and the first line of attack. I appreciate your sacrifice and as a nation, your sacrifice is never lost on us. I also appreciate the Armed Forces and the Service Chiefs. I will want to assure Nigerians that based on the intelligence report submitted by my Service Chiefs and Intelligence Chiefs, Im aware that the Chibok girls are alive in captivity. This is not to misinform the nation or give false HOPE, it is to give a true account of the situation, and which is HOPE. I want to assure all the #bringbackourgirls campaigners that my administration is committed to that and in line with our national rediscovery, it shall be #ourgirlsareback. Ive directed the DSS, DMI and the Nigeria Police Force to draw up a mission to bring our girls back. This I will give my assent if the ongoing alternative means of resolving the matter fails. Our girls have been away from home for too long. I must also appreciate various independent intelligence analysis on the state of insecurity and insurgency in the country, I must confess that such avails my administration another perspective to the situation at hand and I want to assure you all that we are combining it with the ones produced by relevant government agencies. I know many Nigerians have been yearning and expecting a downward review of the pump price of petroleum products due to the slump in the price of crude oil. While many felt our delayed action was criminal and insensitive, I want to assure you that it was a measured reaction. There was a slump in the price of crude oil but it also translated into a shortfall in our benchmark for the 2014 Appropriation Act, so the delay in the downward review was to cushion the effect of the slump in a bid to avoid budgetary deficit, and cash crunch in our economy. I have directed the Minister of Finance who is the coordinating Minister of the Economy, the Minister of Petroleum and Natural Resources, the Minister of National Planning and the Economic team to review the issue and come up with a price we should adopt. Lastly, 2015 is also the year Nigerians will decide my fate and their political fate. I must confess that this formed my opinion and expectation for the year 2015. This is why I classified 2015 as our year of National Rediscovery. I want to assure Nigerians that the Presidential election is not and shall never be a contest between North and South, Christian and Muslim, Good and Evil, but a contest between two or more people who love Nigeria and are committed to see it grow stronger and better. Nigerians are either going to choose between continuation good or a good new beginning. A vote for any of us will surely be a vote for a better Nigeria because as an administration we see the need to improve on our achievements and efforts. I believe in the preparedness of Independent National Electoral Commission, I believe in the resolve and the determination of Nigerians to get it right and I must tell you this assured me that the elections will be free and fair, and we shall not witness any post election violence. in a bid to safeguard this conviction of mine, Ive given the DSS a Presidential order to arrest and prosecute anybody and everybody found wanting making provocative and inflammatory remarks capable of jeopardising the peaceful conduct of the 2015 general elections. I want to assure Nigerians that we are committed to the project of our national rediscovery. I want to assure all Nigerians to have HOPE... I crave your indulgence to join me to honour the souls of the departed, especially the victims of insurgency and to underline this, I declare a 3-day mourning in which flag should be flown at half mast in all public buildings across the federation during the period. Nigerians, welcome to 2015 Welcome to our year of national rediscovery.. Happy New Year.. God Bless Nigeria... Nigerians... I feel your pains.... I appreciate your situation... Mr. President can never sound this way... This is not your President... This is yemi Saka... Maybe someday...one day.... God willing... Insha Allah, I shall address you someday in this capacity...but as we speak...Im just a guy looking for trouble. Happy New year...... We made it!!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 10:03:05 +0000

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