WELCOME TO AVONDALE, LOUISIANA: groups.yahoo/group/Avondale_The_RPG/ It is 1901 and the world is entering a new century. It is a time of rapid growth and expansion; a time of industrialization and commerce -- of waves of immigration to the land where the streets are paved with gold. The United States has just engaged in its first foreign war and has suddenly found itself with an unwanted and unwelcome colonial empire and commitments to far-away places and peoples. It is a time of transition in which old meets new. TR is in the White House and Queen Victoria is on the throne. Isolation is ending but the United States is still far from being a global power. Avondale is a quintessential small town on the verge of becoming a city. Telephones, electricity, indoor plumbing and automobiles are all new and still seen as a novelty. Television, radio and the movies are still unheard of. The west is still wild. There are only 46 states in the Union. NOTE: Avondale is set in a part of South Louisiana that has, and still retains a strong French/Creole and multi-ethnic culture. While in the south it was in a portion of Louisiana that was only part of the Confederacy for just over one year, was andi-seccession in the first instance, was not terribly effected by Reconstruction and Jim Crow never roosted in the town. We welcome and need new players and characters of all ethnic backgrounds to make our town and the world that its in more realistic and lifelike. Much is drawn from movies such as The Shootist and Hec Ramsey in portraying the turn of the century era. The files and photo section of the game has literally been six years in the building, and is one of the most complex and realistic to be found in any game environment... as well as one of the most accurate. Most of the photos of the town and items/things to be found in it are authentic from the period and the town. Avondale is based on an actual town that was destroyed by Hurricane in 1901. The citizens of Aavondale are faced with adapting to a way of life that is strange, new and yet strangely compelling. They stand on the brink with a foot in two very different worlds. Some of the children born in Avondale this year will live to see man walk on the moon -- yet remember a time when there was no such thing as an airplane. Some -- a bare hand full -- are still living today. The Victorian Age is fading and the new morality of the early 20th century is coming and coming fast. There are few taboos in Avondale. Almost anything goes. We are rated Hard R. We are more than a group of gamers, we are an online community of friends... Join us in Avondale -- where if you dont like the way history really turned out, you can change it... Subscribe: Avondale_The_RPG-subscribe@yahoogroups
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 23:21:15 +0000

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