WELCOME TO (CDISM) CHRIST DIVINE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MINISTRY IN CHRIST DIVINE CITY UK. ( CDISM ). HELPING PEOPLE ACHIEVE SUCCESS Raising, Equipping and Building Lives for effective Ministry In THE DIVINE GLORY ZONE Of Gods Presence, Where The Spirit Of Life In Christ Jesus qualifies them to fulfil their Gods given Vision. Were Vulnerable to Satans attacks when we know only Snippets of Scripture and favourite passages instead of the Whole Counsel of God (Acts 20:27), the Word of Truth, must work in us before It works for us (Psalms 1:1-3). If we want Gods Blessings, we must meet His Conditions. Pride is one of the most Neglected Subjects in the Church today, it originated with Satan: (Isaiah 14:14). I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High. Often the Core of Atheism is pride; a person with no god plays God. Satan used this strategy in Eden. (Genesis 3:5. ) “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.” Thats why Paul told the Philippians (Philippians 2:5-9 ) You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a salve and was born as a human being.When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross. Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honour and gave him the name above all other names, The key to overcoming Temptation is submitting to God and living in daily dependence on Him. All this comes from God. How Well do you Know Jesus. Dont you love me? Even after I have been among you such a long time? (John 14:9; 8-9). Knowing Jesus must be our top priority, He made known His ways to Moses,His acts to the children of Israel (.Psalm 103:7). Three times Jesus asked Peter Do you love me? (John 21:15-17) Peter said Lord you know that I Love You. We can fool others even ourselves, but The Lord knows the Quality of our love for Him. His desire is to draw us closer to Himself. If you are available join us in CDISM Christ Divine International School of Ministry In Christ Divine City UK to Know Jesus and the Power of His Resurrection. CDISM “Where the Inspired Word Empowers and Equips the Lives of God’s People” {2 Timothy 3:16-17 AMP} The Heartbeat of CDISM is to REACH, TEACH, WIN, DISCIPLE, and TRAIN men and women by The power of the Holy Spirit with Leadership Principles that Motivate them towards Excellence in their duties/ ministries. Jesus Reigns Christ Divine International School of Ministries offers a Highly Standardised short-term, basic and advanced courses for the purpose of equipping the contemporary believer who has been called of The Lord and given a distinctive ministry as Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, Counsellors, Intercessors, Church Workers or Members, with the indispensable success principle and impact action for life and ministry. This course promises to be significant and instrumental to the raising and building of a generation in the end-time church that will bring to fulfilment Gods ultimate mandate for our dispensation. It therefore aims at enhancing the believers commitment to a life -style that conforms to Gods purpose for life and ministry. CDISM FOR YOU Life gets so complicated sometimes. So many things demand our attention: school, activities, friends, family, work. In all the chaos, we too often forget about -- or blatantly ignore -- what matters most for our lives. But deep down, were aware of the simple truth that nothing - no achievements, no pleasures, no possessions -- equals to the value of human soul. Because what we most want for ourselves is to live our lives with significance and meaning. We long to be all that God created us to be. If you have found yourself to busy to care for your soul; if you have been simply going through the motions of fulfilling Gods best plans for your lives and hoping things turn out okay; if you are ready to stop floating along in your routine in order to see a remarkable difference in your life -- and profoundly impact the life of those around you -- CHRIST DIVINE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MINISTRY IN CHRIST DIVINE CITY UK is for you. CDISM tackles the crucial life issues you face, weaving together poignant personal reflection questions, inspirational quotes, real life stories from others, Gods promises, brief -- but hard- hitting -- Bible studies dealing with topical Issues from a Biblical perspectives on God, Christ, Christian Living, Church, Contemporary Issues, Counselling, Future, Knowing God, Marriage & Family, Salvation, Spirit World, The Bible, The Holy Spirit, practical life applications ideas, and prayer to help you to discover for yourself how to let your soul take flight and soar! Praise God! Halleluiah! PURPOSE To help Christians prepare for the work of the ministry by raising and training well-equipped leaders and prepare our students to be effective, skilled people ready for ministry in the 21st Century world. We emphasise lifelong learning, spiritual vitality and life skills to ensure that our graduates make a Christ-centred contribution to the communities in which they live and work. Our academic programmes are all designed to ensure that our students become effective thinkers, good communicators and passionate followers of Jesus. To identify, encourage and sharpen their gifting and God -giving potential . To release them into effective and fruitful ministry with a vision to form the next generation of Christian leaders. ... This program is designed to suite busy people whatever your vocation, background, career or denomination, parents, students, young and old and those with job commitments who desire an in- depth knowledge of God’s word, increase in their faith and effectiveness. Join us in this great vision to see this dream realised. Get lifted out of the valley of defeat, mediocrity, sickness, and climb the mountain of victory, dominion, perfect health and success from the faith building refreshing DIVINE PRESENCE OF GOD. I have no doubt that CHRIST DIVINE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MINISTRY IN CHRIST DIVINE CITY UK. ( CDISM ), will hallmark a new and fresh level of intimacy with God in your life. Come expecting the greatest miracle of your life. I look forward to seeing you at this program. LOCATION The Christ Divine International School of Ministry runs in Christ Divine Bible Church 334 Selbourne Road Luton, LU4 8NU By New Covenant Church FIRST FLOOR LEFT Every WEDNESDAY 7:00PM Tel. +44(0)7952227676 Email :- [email protected] christdivinebiblechurch.org.uk LECTURERS Our Instructors are Biblically Sound, spiritually qualified, and Prayerfully Selected. DURATION The School offers an Intensive 9 - 24 Months Programmes at Least 20 Courses are offered in the basic and Advanced Categories. The programme also involves practical sessions and presentations. ADMISSION REQUIREMENT The School is open to everyone who has received Jesus Christ as his / her personal Lord and Saviour and has also received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Attendance At least 75 percent attendance at lectures and seminars is required. Any absenteeism should be with prior to consent of the course Co-ordinator. EXAMINATION The school will adopt 3 levels of assessments 1. Periodic assessments 2. Presentations ( practical ) 3. Examinations COURSE CONTENT 1. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIANITY (1). Overview of Christianity (11). Life And Spirit Of Gods Word (111).Righteousness, Baptism, Resurrection and Eternal Judgement 2. EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER (1). Praying in The Spirit with all types of prayers and supplication (11).Communion with God 3. FAITH (1).The Indispensable Substance in life and Ministry (11)Faith for Healing etc. 4. MINISTRY (1). Integrity and Excellence in business and ministry (11). Understanding Spiritual gifts and ministry office of: The Apostle, The Prophet, The Evangelist, the Pastor and Teacher (111). Understanding The Fruit Of The Spirit (1V) . Women in ministry (v). Itinerary Ministry and The Local Church (VI ) . Aquila and Priscilla Ministry ( Couples in Ministry) 5. THE GREAT COMMISSION (I ). World Evangelism (I I ). Local Church And Evangelism (I I I ). Personal Call To Evangelism 6. BIBLICAL ECONOMICS (I ). Stewardship And Accountability (I I ). Tithe, Offering, Tithe Of Tithe (I I I ). . Freewill Offering (IV ). Partnership In Ministry 7. COVENANT 8. CHANNELS OF ANOINTING 9. WORSHIP: PATHWAY TO GOD 10. PERFECTING THE LOCAL CHURCH (1). Church Government (11). Hierarchy Of Church Authority (111). Spiritual Covering: Mentoring (1V). Church Growth 1 1. WHAT IS LEADERSHIP (1). Becoming A Servant Leader (1 1 ). Understanding Church Life (111). TrustThe Cost Of Commitment (1 V ). Power At Work (V). Power And Authority (V1). Vision: The Leaders Compass 12. UNDERSTANDING WARFARE (1). Demonology And Deliverance (11). Ministers Legal Responsibilities (111). Ministers And Public Relation (1V). Minister And His Power Of Speech (V). Minister And Counselling 13. OFFICE MANAGEMENT 14. HOMILETICS ( Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth) 15. THE APOSTOLIC AND THE PROPHETIC END TIME MOVE 16. CHURCH HISTORY 17. END-TIME EVENTS AND ETERNAL JUDGEMENT 18. CHARACTER AND INTEGRITY 19. HUMAN RELATION 20. CONTEMPORARY ISSUES To register, please contact: Pastor Jerry & Francisca Eze Christ Divine International School. Of Ministry UK 334 Selbourne Road, Luton, LU4 8NU Second Floor Left by New Covenant Church Tel: +44(0) 7952227676 Email: [email protected] I look forward to seeing you. https://m.facebook/story.php?story_fbid=1491103797791867&id=10000676783350 Click here to register for Christ Divine Global School of Prayer After registration, you will be able to download our prayer points Come and celebrate the victory of Jesus with us in a warm and friendly Atmosphere Power Packed Sunday Worship Services. Every Sunday at 12.30pm and Every Friday at 8.00pm. by New Covenant Church 334 Second Floor Left, Selbourne Road, Luton, LU4 8NU Tel: +44(0) 7952227676 Email: [email protected] Needs Prayer:- Call Rev. Jerry Eze +44(0)7952227676 Join us as we praise and worship God with this special Songs. My helper m.youtube/watch?v=FvidwHU1Mps And m.youtube/watch?v=rf79qpZ-1YQ&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Drf79qpZ-1YQ I look forward to seeing you this Sunday Pastor Jerry & Francisca Eze Christ Divine Ministries UK. Jerry Ezes GOD BLESS YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY. Sent from my iPhone Like·Comment·Share
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 15:49:18 +0000

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