WELCOME TO NETCONTACTS NIGERIA, THE PLATFORM THAT CHANGE OUR FINANCIAL STATUS, WE EMPOWER OUR SELVES FINANCIALY WITH TRUST AND HONEST DOING ONLINE JOB 100% GUARANTEE! JOIN US TODAY, AND CHANGE UR FINANCIAL STATUS TOO! This business is lucrative online business, whereby we contribute and empower ourselves financially with the simple method of only introducing people to register as online members using netcontacts.ng/invitation/?invitationcode=6547488553 our invitation code, and each person we introduce pay us N1,500 BELOW ARE THE QUESTIONS WE RECEIVED FROM PEOPLE WHO ARE WILLING TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE. 1. WHAT IS NETCONTACTS? Answer - Netcontacts is a lucrative online business, whereby we contribute and empower ourselves financially with the simple method of introducing people to register as online members using our invitation code, and be paid N1,500 for each person we introduced. 2. INTRODUCING PEOPLE TO DO WHAT? Answer - We introduce people to become members and we get paid, and those people we introduce will also introduce others to become members and get paid too, Without introducing people to join, you will not make a dime, that means if u register today u will also introduce others and make money too, that is after ur membership is activated, We called it (selves empowerment) 3. YOU MEAN IF I REGISTER TODAY, MY DUTY IS TO INTRODUCE OTHERS TO ALSO BECOME MEMBERS? Answer - Thats right! 4. HOW DO I START? Answer- For quick registration just click netcontacts.ng/invitation/?invitationcode=6547488553 fill the form appropriately just like facebook registration, and follow the instructions. 5. AFTER I REGISTER, WHAT NEXT ? Answer - After you are done with the registration, you will be given ur invitation code for free which u can use to introduce other people, but u cant use it to introduce others, until your invitation code is Activated 6. HOW DO I ACTIVATE MY INVITATIONCODE? Answer - Your invitation code can only be activated by the person that introduce u, after u paid N1,500 into his/her bank account! 7. YOU MEAN IF I REGISTER TODAY, I WILL PAY U N1,500 SO THAT U ACTIVATE MY INVITATIONCODE? Answer - Yes after you pay N1,500 for ur activation, you will not need to pay a dim for life, thereby u will also receive N1,500 for each person u introduce. 8. HOW DO I PAY THE N1,500 Answer - After u finish the registration, then u will need to log in into your Netcontacts profile, at netcontacts.ng and enter ur phone number and the password u registered with just the way u log in to facebook, then in ur netcontacts homepage u will see a link that says ACTIVATE MY MEMBERSHIP click it and follow the instruction on how to activate your invitation code 9. OK AFTER I PAID N1,500 FOR MY ACTIVATION, HOW DO I MAKE MY MONEY? Answer - After ur membership is activated, then u will start introducing people to register using ur own invitation code, and each person u introduce will also pay N1,500 into your bank account so that u also activate his/her own invitation code, and thats how u will be making the money to the rest of your life, For Example, if u introduce 10 people x N1,500 = N15,000 20 people x N1,500 = N30,000 50 people x N1,500 = N75,000 100 people x N1,500 = N150,000 1000 people x N1,500 =N1 Million Honestly this is Real, the more people u introduce, the more u make money, and the money belongs to u, and u alone, you can withdraw it anytime any day. 10. HMMM THIS SOUND SO FUNNY AND DIFFICULT, WHAT IS THE POSSIBLITY THAT IF I INTRODUCE PEOPLE, THEY WILL PAY ME N1,500 FOR ME TO ACTIVATE THEM, YOU KNOW NIGERIA PEOPLE NOW, DO U THINK THE WILL BELIEVE? Answer - Honestly is possible, a lot of people are waiting for this opportunity, once they went across to this information they will just pay without further delay, i swear I have made up to N79500 so far with only N1,500 that i invested with, thats means i have activated 53 people, this is just under one month. 11. SO HOW DO I INTRODUCE PEOPLE? Answer - You can introduce people through the use of the social media such as 2go, facebook, net log, e.t.c you just share ur invitation code so that people will register under u, and be paid N1,500 for each person u introduce. 11. I HOPE THIS IS NOT A SCAM? Answer - Honestly this is not a scam, this business is real and lucrative, with only N1,500 you can make a lot of money without any complications. IN other words, this rare business is about introducing people to join and be empowered financially! YOU PAY THE PERSON THAT INTRODUCE YOU, AND ALSO GET PAID FOR EACH PERSON, MARK THE POINT EACH PERSON U INTRODUCE, WE CALLED IT SELVES EMPOWERMENT, Even a secondary school student can do this business, so i beg u to avoid bein defraud, dont allow anybody to discourage u, this business is very real, lets join our hands together to achieve our aims, This is the best online business, Feel free to call me for more information on 07036847981.OR LIKE MY PAGES Easy Way to Make Cash Money Online.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 16:39:20 +0000

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