WELCOME TO THE JULY SCROLL 1/ APOLOGIES. Lady Gina. 2/ NEW MEMBERS AND GUESTS. None 3/ INCOMING AND OUT GOING MAIL...MRA sent Chicken Run Flyer. Sir Columbus sent ride report which was forwarded on to the Group. Chris Hill sent Flyer about his updated ride in August also forwarded on. Sir Wingman informed us due to bad back and work overload he won’t be on rides for a while get well soon. 4/ BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE LAST MEETING. The web Master is doing a great gob with our web site and Dave doing the brandy and whiskey run to keep him sweet. Face book don’t forget to put on all the photos you have and also send them to (A1.images@bigpond...) 5/ LAST RIDE REPORT. 7 people on ride (would have been 10 but a little accident put 3 out) Dicks report was sent to all. Dick said he would do the ride again for those who missed out. 6/ UP AND COMING RIDES. 6th July Chicken Run to Mylup Pines for overnighter. Leave Macs at Kelmscott 10am. 21st July Daves Ride to Gin Gin, Moora, Greenhead, and back on the coast road. Meet Two Rocks car park 830 leave 9am.11th August (this was 4th August now changed to 11th) is Chis Mystery ride meet Two Rocks 830 for 9am leave. Pick up at Muzz Buzz Joondalup 10.10 am. As per the new flyer. 21ST AND 22ND SEPTEMBER. This is now your 1 year celebration ride of the Northern Knights. Meet Two rocks Car Park 10am for 1030 leave to Lancelin for lunch. Back to my place at 190 Darch Trail Sovereign Hill for a FREE, DRINKS, FOOD, ENTERTAINMENT AND OVERNIGHT STAY. I will send you all a flyer please reply to the invite for catering numbers. (All your fines money will go here.) OCTOBER ride is Karen and Peters ride to grass Valley date and time to be advised. 10TH NOVEMBER. Road kills day ride to Tamin.We will come back another way. Had to put Tasmania trip on hold because of my health. DECEMBER 7TH AND 14TH is the charity rides meeting times TBA. 7/ FINES. Dick reported that all the Knights were good on his ride but Roadkill was at it again on the night getting the kitty up to $496.00. Thanks for all your donations. 8/ NEW BUSINESS. We have more day rides now but still a bit low on numbers it was put to the members for answers. It was suggested maybe do shorter rides and also ask for feedback from the group of which I ask for your input from this month’s Scroll. 9/ SOCIAL NEWS. Birthdays this month is Sir Columbus, Sir Johno, and Sir Jacko, Happy birthday to you. Also Anniversary to Road kill and Poppet 33 years. Karen and Peter who are getting married 28th September, congrats to them. 10/ GENERAL BUSINESS. It was suggested that whoever leads the ride it’s up to them to write down this information. NAME/THEIR MOBILE NUMBER/THEIR BIKE REGO NUMBER AND NEXT OF KIN. Sir Pop has asked is there anyone interested in doing the Tia or India trip on the Royal Enfield. METTING CLOSED AT 9PM NEXT MEETING IS 1ST AUGUST. Our purpose is to: Have good safe rides and weekends away in cabins or camping. Meet new people and socialise. Join Charity Rides, for example the Perth and Mandurah Toy at Christmas. Meet at the Two Rocks Tavern at 7.00pm on the First Thursday of each month (meals available from 6.00pm). The Northern Knights in not a club as such as our intention is to get away from the legal side of registering, insurance and abiding by a constitution. This has often been a complication in the past. We are calling ourselves a Social Riding Group. There will not be any fees, but to cover any out of pocket expenses there will be fun things to generate petty cash. Your ideas will be welcome over the next few months.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 03:16:46 +0000

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