WELCOME TO THURSDAY EVERYONE!! OUR GIVE AWAY DAY IS BACK! ANYONE WHO HITS THE ‘LIKE’ BUTTON TODAY OR CONTACTS US DIRECTLY THROUGH THE JAVA RAIZ WEBSITE WILL BE ENTERED TO WIN A FREE 2 OZ BAG OF YOUR CHOICE OF COFFEE, COFFEE MOCHA, CINNAMON OR MOCHA CINNAMON JAVA RAIZ. GOOD LUCK! AND JUST IN CASE YOU MISSED IT…WE WILL BE DONATING ALL PROCEEDS FROM SALES OF JAVA RAIZ THIS WEEK TO A WORTHY CAUSE - THE PHILIPPINES. HAVE A GREAT DAY AND PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO REACH FOR THE ORGANIC OR HEALTHIER SNACK WHENEVER YOU CAN! JUST THINK ABOUT IT AS ADDING ONE MORE DAY TO YOUR LIFE. WHAT BETTER REWARD COULD YOU ASK FOR? AND THE ARTICLE BELOW CAN HELP YOU GET YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN EATING HEALTHIER ALONG WITH YOU! EARTH2MAN’S MOTTO: “CONTRIBUTING TO YOUR HEALTH – AND THE ENVIRONMENT – ONE RAISIN AT A TIME!” 10 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR CHILD HEALTHIER (WITHOUT THEM NOTICING) On November 12, 2013 by healthymama Guest post by Mark Snyder All parents want their kids to be happy and healthy. Sometimes it’s hard to combine the two when picky eaters and reluctant kids don’t want to embrace healthy eating habits and activities. To get your kids on the path to improved wellness, here are a few ways to sneak in some healthy living, without them even noticing. Sneak in Healthy Foods Getting your kids to eat healthy isn’t always easy, especially if you have picky eaters who don’t like to try new foods (or anything green). There are a few ways, however, that you can get your kids to eat healthy without them noticing the change. 1.Make vegetables a vehicle. Convince your kids that they aren’t eating apples, carrots, celery, and cucumbers at snack time by offering dips that turn these fruits and veggies into vessels for tasty (and sometimes also healthy) dips like humus, yogurt-based dressings, and salsa. 2. Blend a smoothie with extra ingredients. Kids love smoothies made from their favorite fruits. So next time you whip up a frozen treat, spike it with some extra nutrients by adding yogurt, milk, flax seeds, or silken tofu to the blender for an extra hit of nutrition. Combine Exercise with Play It’s important that your kids start exercising at an early age. So encourage them to do activities that are fun and playful, yet active. 3. Make a game out of pedometers. While having your kids get the often recommended 10,000 steps per day is not necessary, it would be a fun game to have your child track their steps each time they visit a playground. That will help them see how active they are and strive to keep up, or exceed, their pace next time. 4. Play more music. If you’re the type of parent that needs background noise, turn on a radio instead of the television. Kids are easily distracted, and even if you have a show on for yourself, there’s a chance it will catch your kid’s attention. Playing music will encourage them to do activities away from the television screen. 5. Re-label walks as safaris, adventures, missions, and expeditions. Convincing your kids to go for a walk with you might be hard, so make sure to call these activities by some other more exciting term. Then turn walks into games by following maps around the neighborhoods or playing I-spy for animals or collecting treasures along the way. 6. Turn off the video games. That’s it. Just turn them off. Subtly Lead Them to Healthier Choices It is important that your kids aren’t just tricked into being healthier. They actually need to know how to make healthy choices on their own. Make sure to set your kids up so they can make healthy decisions even when you aren’t around. 7. Make sweets treats. Don’t keep sweets around your house for every day snacking. Showing your kids early on that sweets are for treats and dessert will only help them understand that sugary foods aren’t for snacking. 8. Practice what you preach. Kids tend to learn by example. If your kids see you exercising regularly, they’ll absorb that and be more likely to incorporate exercise into their lives. This goes for healthy eating as well. Educate Them on Healthy Choices If you only tell your children that they should lead healthy lives, they’ll likely not absorb the information. Instead, teach them what healthy and unhealthy choices may bring. Let them know the downfalls of unhealthy living, such as asthma and obesity, and explain how healthy choices will lead to longer, more fulfilling lives. 9. Read nutrition labels together. Help your kids understand nutritional labels by reading the facts from their favorite foods. The numbers give kids a tangible look at food facts so they can draw comparisons and notice high counts in calories, fats, and sugars. 10. Bring them in the kitchen. Involve your kids with the cooking process so they can see the difference between throwing frozen chicken nuggets into an oven and actually cutting up fruits and vegetables to make a fresh, healthy dinner. These tips aren’t meant to trick your child into living a healthy lifestyle. Instead they are ways that you can incorporate healthy decisions and activities into your life so that your child will see that healthy isn’t a lesson, it’s a lifestyle. Author Bio: Mark Snyder is a prolific freelance writer who has published articles covering most all niches. Aside from writing, which is his chief passion, he also loves football and playing out in the park with his two kids. healthymamainfo/2013/11/10-ways-child-healthier-without-noticing/
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 15:53:25 +0000

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