WELL AS PEOPLE WE SHOULD ALWAYS ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE B4 WE CHASTISE OR PLAY POLITICS WITH EVERY ISSUE IN THE COUNTRY. FROM MY OBJECTIVE PERSPECTIVE earlier I sincerely tot it was a useless and misplaced priority decision by the government to contract loans to buy sanitary pads for SHS girls till was edified Last night on tv3 news @10 on tv ON THE SHS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME. Now lemme explain and also educate or edify u. it is not that govt is taking the $156m loan to supply free pads...The pads is just a part of many items such as exercise books,pens,school bags, mathematical sets,shoes, Straightedge,uniforms etc and scholarship package to 1000 female students of $500 which is equivalent to ghc1,500 to student especially adolescent day student girls to cover their transportation fairs, school fees and other unforseen bills like medicals as well as building of abt 25 new SHS schools, renovation of abt 60 schools, provide ICT labs and other important amenities in 124 SHS schools and capacity building for 2000 teachers etc being some of the benefits from the world bank loan to help develop education and educational infrastructures in Ghana. To me, i think its a prudent social intervention program. Some are obviously playing a heartless politics with this critical social protection intervention as usual but FROM AN OBJECTIVE LAYMAN POINT OF VIEW I think its a good policy we must all embrace. This was accepted in Parliament but yet some mischievous MPs have all of a sudden tagged the whole thing as if government is going for a loan to purchase ONLY sanitary pads. They have neglected the several positive side and are knit picking the sanitary pad item which is even lesser than the the money each black star player took home as an appearance fee, I mean just $75,000 out of the $156m for the sanitary pads to be supplied over a period of 5 solid yrs. THE FACTS The sanitary pad issue is part of a scholarship scheme for about 1000 students especially female students from poor homes. According to the deputy minister, some female students are unable to buy pads which force them to abstain from class during that period according to a research conducted by Oxford University in Ghana in 2009, also UNESCO as well as an NGO. Countries like Togo, Kenya, Uganda and South Africa implemented this free sanitary pad intervention and it has improved their education drastically. Yes it is true and the beneficial students are the categories of people to benefit are as follows: 1. Any student who takes care of himself or herself 2. Disabled students without support 3. Students living with HIV/AIDS 4. Orphans without support 5. Students from LEAP beneficiary households 6. A student in a household with income below de minimum wage 7. Students from a single parent with low income 8. Students whose parents are unemployed 9. Teenage mother without support 10. Students with sickle cell disease. my very objective opinion is that this policy is not USELESS as many ill informed people are saying. The deputy minister also touched on the POTAG strike and stated clearly that government is not owing the Poly Teachers with salary..theyve paid all their salaries but the problem is about a research allowance which from the explanation the POTAG is rada at fault. And finally the school feeding programme which is still running but with little hitches bkos some caterers dont receive their monies on time which the minister admitted and also touched on the positive side of it. During ex president period the only 400,000 students were enrolled under the school feeding project and it was funded by the Dutch government but they pulled out in 2008 so now the programme is fully and solely funded by the Ghana govt without any international support but yet has increased enrollment from 400,000 to 1.6 million students. #Lets research, be informed b4 we talk as educated youth# People dont read news papers, listen to news and educative programs on TV and Radio yet they are those who listens to hear says and make noise and baseless arguments and politicise issues on social media. God save Ghana.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 08:46:15 +0000

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