WELL IT S E E M S THIS WILL BE TIMELY!!!! S H A D E S O F L O V E R S The TIME we all need to let in someone’s love is unprecedented. The obedience unto the voice of love hopefully brings the destiny to being together as freedom has its priority in our souls. For we were born free and fight for our freedom and or love, yet love tricks us into falsehoods in relationships--for we think love outside of ourselves with someone is the climax, yet it is love of freedom and truth--which brings security of the soul. We may have the skills to psychologically learn about “relationships” yet to value learning of ourselves is the key in all relationships. Resting in love is what I have felt from the one I dream of, sometimes with such commonality in spirit--it would appear a peace beyond any desires of any sort---a knowing of love without the need to act. There is a completeness which comes from having common priorities of love and affection. A knowing in love believing without any thought---it has stability of its own: “Don’t ever ask me why I never say good-bye to my love---it’s understood” (My Love 1972 Paul McCartney and wings). Love abides for we deem it “the priority” in our hearts, above money and possessions for it is supremely awesome to live therein and abide of. When you “fall in love” there are common factors between two people that it seems forever and something you would cherish--and yet we never ask the big question---WHY DOES THIS PERSON MELT MY HEART? For in seeking truth of this question we come upon freedom for life to be shared and not kept as possessions in relationships. We learn that our security is not getting love but security is learning why there is such a common bond betwixt two. These common bonds can be temporary securities within both people getting a portion of what they did not get from the love of their parents. If we would only ask why these common emotional love bonds were so strong in purpose to reason---that being; experience dictates with discernment: shades of love, not true love. When there is true love there is no possession or need actually. Both people know that they are free to love people! God has designed us to give and love others and that is the common attribute which is true freedom. Loving others-- yet having possessions and securities of dependency in relationships needs insight unto maturity. We have a Savior who loves us and wants our attention; especially-- HE being the Prince of Peace we should draw closer to HIM. Relationships of commitment need introspection individually unto a resolution of growth for the continuity of their love found from JESUS who has obeyed the Father and therefore the spirit of truth has come to lead us and guide us into all truth; of course even ourselves, but many Christians do not pray—deliver me inwardly—I need to understand myself better! Being married is married to loving and that be of spirit not of duty but to love; honestly becoming as we once were children of and in light. Marriage to truth, life and spirit provides continual learning towards the shining of our own light expressing that which we have received at birth! When children, most of us fortunately got to PLAY!! This spirit within of play is creative and joyous to be with another in life--to delve into being ourselves and establishing identities following role models and being free as to decide who we might be!!! Each day has its own relevance for it is awareness of the people you come in contact with in reality which you might ask inwardly---who is in need today and can I participate IN DUE RESPECT??? So in conclusion; falling in love needs to be looked at as to why and what are the common emotional bonds; therefore not being a slave to anything other than truth within; of oneself and others not the relationship! For the relationship may rely upon the security of “having” someone for security; therein blocking the sight of responsibility to individual feelings. The truth is: finding love can bring abundance for your life and prosperity because of inward learning; for the kingdom is within us, then the outward KINGDOM manifests because continual learning. We can be servants of love in truth-- not in repetition or identities because of roles amongst others. Yet it might be our turn in the priority of freedom for us to love ourselves awhile! We could say “I have some things to work on within my own life which I must do without relying on you”. We need to see the heart of the person we are talking to and their motives and attributes.--we cant become “CLING-ONS” relying upon emotional love bonds!!!! Yet some people who valuing love, freedom, introspection, communication including even more attributes-- have a foundation for truth of the individual. Love which allows freedom for individuals to be themselves: I do believe; “If you love someone, set them free” (Sting 1985) {this doesnt mean divorce} I say to my love: My heart has so much to give in word and in truth to you. Love can bring abundance and thats what I have for you-----if I may be so bold----let go of your securities in this world a bit longer and choose love. I hope your love drifts towards me, but it could be this needs be weighed in your own mind and hopefully accepted within! Abundance comes from the right choices; the balance, the timing in the presence with love toward someone. It dominates in decisions from the soul but perhaps there is a lesson to choose: Love, over practicality, right now, for a day even! This idea is a complete risk to many who have been so busy and have habits in the ways of society and its “hustle and bustle”. I have been sending my love in spirit for she has spread her wings-- time is irrelevant now in our love. The life in spirit by the moment yearns to love others. Sometimes even another which settles within your heart and abides there without effort! She is abiding within my soul especially since I have my dreams of her. I feel our love; my heart feels her everyday no matter what ere; her love abides there. To learn “love for myself” in relationships requires individuality with no dependency involved. This occurs especially when needing someone perhaps without knowing why you need them so badly. Psychological stages can come afloat; they arise from the deep waters of the soul. Sometimes we need our own self-expression and not to be “in love”. Allowing someone you love to have their life with their own volition is a needed attribute in relationships. It is a wonderful thing to speak the feelings of passion and love to them then wait and see what they do with it. Learning outside of our own needs becomes difficult when we want to love someone without seeing where they are coming from. To see the volition of another in their particular endeavors and their motives---this is all part of lifes way! How much does this person love or how much does this person really know about my little child inside---can they see that deep? What about me; Can I see my little child with its desires, pains and emotions? Life and love go hand in hand; love understands life from as far back as we can remember with our responses to our peers, parents and family members, teachers and all of that. All of that is important when relationships are serious! There is love without communication which it seems one must be a Tibetan monk to discern and perceive another concerning their feelings and responses. There are many people who do not verbalize what they feel or what they think in relation to you. Can you acquire sensing another’s heart and thoughts? Can you do it? Is it a flow or an effort-- as in something to learn? Can you describe this process to your lover? What would happen if you suffered and listened and waited to understand them with the motive to soon come upon understanding for “LOVE”. amazon/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=KIM+DONALD+CURTIS&page=1&rh=n%3A133140011%2Cp_27%3AKIM+DONALD+CURTIS R E F E R E N C E S:: “My Love” 1972 Paul McCartney and wings “If you truly love someone set them free” (Sting 1985)
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 03:49:01 +0000

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