WELL.... Listen up I got a word or two to say. First off Im a man, - TopicsExpress


WELL.... Listen up I got a word or two to say. First off Im a man, a human , a hot head, a sore looser and a forever LSU fan. Yes I attend church, post bible verses and motivational quotes to help me and if it applies , helps you. I donate to home missions , foreign missions , give money to the poor, support different homeless and childrens needs , DO YOU? Dont make the mistake of putting me up on a high pedestal , that aint me, so dont disappoint yourself, Ive changed my ways over the years to try my best to be a husband, daddy, brother, son, brother in law, father in law, employee and a friend to a few. I aint close to perfect in anyway but I do my best to try and please the above list. Now, back to Football, Im still mad as hell over the game, not at the officials, Verne or Gary ,Bama or Nick , unlike most LSU fans I respect Bamas football program its top notch and I think Nick S is one of the best coaches in football history. Im mad because we beat ourselves in the last 50 seconds on bad play decisions .Squib kick, unsportsmanlike conduct and not holding Bama to 3 and out like we did all night for the well deserved win, just so all you Louisiana Bama fans know, I could careless who we would of lost to, a war eagle, a gator, a hog or a badger, its the loosing that hurts, I take things very serious and football is one of them, I dont need anyone telling me about your rolling tide or how I should act, Im 48 years old, I got this, as the old saying goes, let a sleeping dog lie, and I in time Simar down, sometimes a long time, I would bet a million bucks if u ask ole Nick he would tell you Christmas came early last night because we gave that game away , by the way, I aint proof reading , spell checkin or give in a crap about the grammar, Im just letting u in on what I feel and aint nothin or nobody gonna change that and thats a fact jack, so if you dont like my post and what I say, then delete me , dont comment, whatever it takes, Im LSU until I die , no matter who plays or who coaches , Im LSU Im from Louisiana Im from Louisiana Im from Louisiana And that will never change ! I bleed purple and gold for life , GO TIGERS!! #LSU
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:40:20 +0000

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