WELL WRITTEN- WORTH READING: AT THE BANK WITH MY 2 CENTS: (By Rebecca Simon) GOP, SMILE, YOURE ON CANDID CAMERA-- For many years but especially since 2008, a cloud of political melancholy has spread its gloomy shadow over conservatives. Formation of theTea Party was a remedy, however, it was so methodically beaten down by libs and RINOs alike that it went underground. But sometimes when least expected, life offers its own solutions. Out of the depths of exasperation and desperation of the fatigued conservatives, came a re-birth of change and hope--the rightward kind. Americans who twice handed a mandated b hussein o presidency, two years after their second vote, made a violent U-turn to redress the country by steering it into deep redness. Victory circa November 4, 2014 will be studied, analyzed, and researched for decades to come. Political parties, pundits, and leaders will try to emulate it and re-create its effectiveness. Hopefully, the genesis of this victory never happens again--not because the GOP win was unwarranted--but because the country may not be able to survive the causation of this huge GOP sweep: a b hussein o type of a rogue tyrant with an immense disdain for America. In 2012, America forgave b hussein o for an unhealthy healthcare bill, for NSAs targeted eavesdropping, for IRS punishment of the Tea Party rabble-rousers, for the avoidable murders of the benghazi 4, for the debacles in an already chaotic islamic region and so much more. No one really knew why Americans were so merciful in 2012. Theories were abound that maybe voters were still hoping for a course change, or they felt guilty for ambushing a failed black man, or at worst that they had lost their sense of patriotism. The latter which was suspected to be the real reason, would have been the most dangerous reason of why b hussein o won in 2012. But Americans, at last, learned how to cut their losses short. They punished most anyone from the Jackass party sometimes in favor of the least loved Republican, sometimes in the deepest of the blue states, and sometimes for a young unknown GOP new comer. One can confidently say that b hussein o who was supposed to unite America, finally kept his promise, inadvertently. He united us against himself. Thank you! b hussein o cant take all the credit, though. His accomplices were also a big help. Mr. & Mrs. Harry and Nancy Pelosi-Reid, Mr. & Mrs. Eric and Valerie Jarrett-Holder, and Mr. & Mrs. Joe and Candy Crowley-Biden and a whole host of other couples, miserably stuck in a liberal marriage, were instrumental in shaming this administration. America finally admitted HE was a mistake, conceived out of a faulty idealism. Though, the GOP is dancing in the euphoria of a once-in-a-lifetime conquest, it must remember one essential lesson: America is disloyal to any political party and she could evict you as fast as she buzzed you in. Because fortunately, America is self-centered as she votes for whomever who can further her agenda--a fundamental of the system of the representative republic. So, to the new 2015 majority: Dont blow it. You know you could be reprimanded for getting too comfy in your pre-paid offices. Youll be under the microscope because the long-abused Americans are now edgy and are looking to see whom they can fire next. They had forgotten they were in charge but their memory is now well refreshed. And theyll watch your every move. You promised a lot during your campaigns. Its time for your words to take the shape of actions. Lead without scandals and cronyism. And if you think that amnesty will be good for your big business buddies, just remember the GOP voters who gave you the majority, wont need to go to polling places if you amnesty illegals. Your constituents can take those Tuesdays off because legalizing 30-40 million dem-voting illegals will effectively make Republicans and YOU irrelevant. Please, dont beautify amnesty bills by naming them Comprehensive Immigration Reform or Gang of Eight Immigration Reform or any other pretty name you dream of. Call a spade amnesty and when you attach bipartisan to your bill, it makes it look really ugly. Call your bills, Clogging the Pores of the Entire Border or Operation Sending Back Illegals or Welfare Withdrawals from Non-Citizens. We can relate to and appreciate those names far better. Oh, and by the way, if you really want to impress us, term limit yourself. Youll do us and yourself a lot of good because before being a lawmaker, you have been and will be a citizen. Do the right thing. The architect b hussein o certainly built that (our unrecognizable country). You de-construct it and re-build a safe home for yours and our kids. You owe it to us. Now get to work!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:23:43 +0000

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