WELLNESS WARRIORS I believe in balance and enjoyment when it comes - TopicsExpress


WELLNESS WARRIORS I believe in balance and enjoyment when it comes to food and nutrition. Im thrilled by food and by the pleasure of eating — I often do a little happy dance when mealtime comes around! lol I know that rigid diets can threaten true digestive health, but I also know that there are certain foods that I just cant eat. Over the years, Ive discovered that gluten, dairy, corn, and refined sugar But Im human, and sometimes I eat them anyway. This can be due to error but often its due to choice. How many times have I mistakenly ordered a dish that arrives coated in a cream sauce that I wasnt expecting, but eat it anyway? How many times have I chosen leftover birthday cake or brownies for breakfast? Even if theyre gluten-free, these treats are usually loaded with sugar, and I end up short-tempered and riding the blood sugar roller coaster all day long. It happens. And when it happens by choice, I know Ive screwed up. When I consume foods that are wrong for my body, I dont just experience digestive upset, I also suffer the consequences of brain fog, malaise, and depression. My symptoms usually strike a day or two after being exposed to a food that doesnt work with my body. Thankfully, they usually only last about 24 hours, but during those 24 hours Im a wreck. Now I lose productivity because I cant focus. I feel anxious because Im not getting my work done. I dont have the energy to move my body in ways that usually thrill me, so I sit more and move less, which ends up making my back hurt and my body feel sluggish. Unfortunately, the people who suffer the most are my family. They are the lucky ones who get to see the full extent of whatever Im feeling. And lets face it, when I feel like shit, Im a shity person to everyone. These are the moments that remind me of WHY I (usually) make healthy choices in the first place. I am learning to be more healthy food conscious and aware enough — to see screwing up for what its worth rather than only what it wreaks. The value of making a bad choice every once in a while is that it shows you: 1. How far youve come. 2. How much you dont want to go back to where you were before! Whether youre dealing with food sensitivities (like myself), sticking to a fitness program, regularly meditating, or whatever else youre honing in your personal wellness journey, its likely that you have fallen off the wagon, screwed up, or made a poor choice in the past. Just know: its OK. Be patient with yourself. We all screw up. That doesnt mean we should GIVE UP. Remember: building self-love requires building self-trust, which means showing up for yourself and again and again and again. No matter how many times you screw up, keep forging ahead. Enjoy the journey, even the bumps in the road. Youve got this Wellness Warriors.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:22:50 +0000

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