WERE IRISH AND LIAM NEESON DOES NOT SPEAK FOR US! Irish Central picked up our press release but there were a lot more quotes. Liam Neeson has made this an Irish issue and in so doing has incurred the wrath of many compassionate Irish throughout the world. Other than the comments in the article, which include me (mother born in Ireland) , Fiona Walsh and Sioban Emery (Irish) here are some more comments. Thanks all who participated. It is quite interesting that the campaigns in NYC, Chicago, Atlanta and Sacramento - are led by people of Irish descent. Bernie Wright, the head of Alliance for Animal Rights (AFAR) in Dublin said “I am saddened to hear that so many Irish people are involved in the cruel carriage horse business. Especially in New York , a city I love and have visited often, the streets are not safe for horses and the stresses and suffering these majestic animals endure during their working lives is completely unnatural and purely for profit. Liam Neeson on the other hand is known for his lack of concern for sentient creatures. His support for horse abuse via the Carriage Horse trade is shameful and we are urging people to boycott his films, sadly he too is Irish. “ John Carmody, head of ARAN – Animal Rights Action Network in Ireland – spoke out recently “Neeson may be able to act and string lines together, but when it comes to understanding the suffering horses endure in all weather extremes often in suffocating traffic fumes in the carriage trade, sadly Mr. Neeson has been a flop. The Irish public is commending Mayor de Blasio in his progressive efforts to retire this outdated industry in favor of a New York City that can hold its head up high with streets that do not harbor horse abuse. Yes the anti-carriage horse exploitation campaign is filled with Irish, Irish immigrants and those of Irish descent – people who care about animals. Here is a sampling: Kim Flaherty, of Irish descent leads the group in Sacramento looking to ban the cruel and exploitative business there. “I find Mr. Neesons defense of cruel horse-drawn carriages misguided and disappointing. This isnt an Irish issue, its an animal welfare issue, and as an American of Irish descent who cares about the humane treatment of animals, I strongly support a ban on horse-drawn carriages in NYC. “ Kathy Burke, another person of Irish descent, heads up the anti horse-carriage movement in Atlanta. Burke says Jimmy Hughes - Bronx born to Irish parents and raised in Ireland, supporter of the Coalition. I spent years working in NYC and daily walked past the parade of misery known as the Central Park hack line. I found only sadness in the horses’ eyes as they put up with the blaring automobile horses and car exhaust. I disagree with Liam Neeson about horses being born to work - horses were born to be horses to interact with their herd on pastures - not working on a potholed street. Liam Neeson should be taken to JFK and put on the first Aer Lingus flight back to Ireland. Kathy Burke – Irish descent and heads up the fight in Atlanta against the inhumane carriage trade there. Kathy says “ Neeson did the carriage industry more harm than good when he appeared on the Daily Show with his whiny ludicrous defense of the industry...It iiiiiiiis (a fulfilling life for the horses)...Theyre traaaaaained to do this...as if thats justification for clinging to the archaic tradition. Elephants are trained to stand on their heads too. Is the circus a fulfilling life for them? I think not. Frankly, weve never heard a single word from anyone that was a legitimate defense of the industry. Not ONE. Go choke on your wolf stew Liam Neeson. Nobody cares what you think.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 01:21:00 +0000

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